Posted 13 years ago
I've been a member of this syndicate and just now noticed this section. Hi, my name is bakufu_dog, and I've been a proud supporter of Anonymous and Unbiased Internet for about 10 years now. I dabble in piracy and am fairly handy with HTML and CSS stuff, but nothing compared to some of yinz, I'm sure. What I am good with is Photoshop and Graphics Design. If any of yinz ever need anything like that done, lemme know. Eventually, I'd like to figure out how to become a Dev on IMVU without giving those a-holes any money they don't deserve. If you ask me, they should pay YOU to be a Dev. I hate their nickle and dime schemes, and miss the good old days where you could get 50 credits just for looking at new products. I figure AOL and Yahoo don't charge money for their stuff, and they have some pretty advanced features, why should IMVU? But that's why I'm here, I wanna stick it to `em, and learn how to get a little something for myself in the process. 48 hours, and I already learned a few tricks. You guys are awesome.