I suppose I should post an introduction, normally I make the threads and tell others to post theirs and I sit back and watch.
I'm BloodLustD - Pronounced: "Blood" + "Lusted" = All one word.
I'm a Developer, I like Italian Food, I'm not good with coding, but I get by with modifying to suit my needs.
I'm a chancer, I suppose we all are, and that's why we're here.
The IMVU Mafias is the place to be, don't forget that!
And Remember, in the words of the Wise and Powerful Don Von Free Credits - " Please, do not tell us your IMVU account name. That is your greatest secret when you join the Mafia. "
Cause if your an idiot or an absolute rude smart-ass, it's like hanging a "Hit Me" sign on your own back.