The great and esteemed me.

by Nathanel · 11 posts
11 years ago in Introductions
Posted 11 years ago · Author
Well met IMVU Mafia people, my name is Nathanel.
I'm an outgoing type in real life, I get drunk often with friends and hit the town all the time.
At home I like to seclude myself and play video games, chat online and roleplay. None of my real life friends know about the roleplay thing, it's my secret pleasure.

I built my PC myself, it's my pride and joy. I'll add the specs to my profile soon enough, this way you can all look at me with admiration and resentment.
I come from Denmark, land of the vikings. My favorite hobbies are: Getting drunk, having sex, BDSM, video games and roleplaying.

I've previously dabbled in graphic design and I have many contacts in coding and design "circles".
That being said, I have little enough free time as it is, so I doubt I'll be able to contribute in any major way.

It's a pleasure to meet you all, if you ever need anything or require additional info, feel free to contact me.

Posted 11 years ago
Welcome to the forums, Nathanel.

Nathanel wrote:
I built my PC myself, it's my pride and joy. I'll add the specs to my profile soon enough, this way you can all look at me with admiration and resentment

I built myself one too. You can see it here: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4230&hilit=computer#p116884

And my upgrades: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4230&hilit=computer#p116900

So no resentment from me.
Posted 11 years ago · Author
«Ð▪ℳ» wrote:
Welcome to the forums, Nathanel.

Nathanel wrote:
I built my PC myself, it's my pride and joy. I'll add the specs to my profile soon enough, this way you can all look at me with admiration and resentment

I built myself one too. You can see it here: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4230&hilit=computer#p116884

And my upgrades: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4230&hilit=computer#p116900

So no resentment from me.

We need to speak together sometime.
How do you like the water cooling? I opted for regular cooling, 6 high powered fans. But I thought about getting some watercooled system from Corsair too.
Let me post my specs in a minute.
Posted 11 years ago
Nathanel wrote:
We need to speak together sometime.
How do you like the water cooling? I opted for regular cooling, 6 high powered fans. But I thought about getting some watercooled system from Corsair too.
Let me post my specs in a minute.

I enjoyed it when I had it. But it malfunction one day and I had to wait 2 weeks for a replacement from China. I wasn't going to go 2 weeks with my computer out of commission so I bought a cpu fan to hold me over. However, that fan has kept my temps almost 20c lower at all times then the water cooler did so I have opted to use it instead. I rarely hit 40c even when it gets hot in here. The water cooler would keep me at around 60 to 65.

I ended up getting Corsair to give me a brand new replacement water cooler but since the fan is working so much better, I've left it un opened in the closet. I don't know if I did something wrong during the install, had a bad unit or if it just wasn't that good but whatever the case, I like my fan better.
Posted 11 years ago · Author
«Ð▪ℳ» wrote:
Nathanel wrote:
We need to speak together sometime.
How do you like the water cooling? I opted for regular cooling, 6 high powered fans. But I thought about getting some watercooled system from Corsair too.
Let me post my specs in a minute.

I enjoyed it when I had it. But it malfunction one day and I had to wait 2 weeks for a replacement from China. I wasn't going to go 2 weeks with my computer out of commission so I bought a cpu fan to hold me over. However, that fan has kept my temps almost 20c lower at all times then the water cooler did so I have opted to use it instead. I rarely hit 40c even when it gets hot in here. The water cooler would keep me at around 60 to 65.

I ended up getting Corsair to give me a brand new replacement water cooler but since the fan is working so much better, I've left it un opened in the closet. I don't know if I did something wrong during the install, had a bad unit or if it just wasn't that good but whatever the case, I like my fan better.

I have 6 fans installed, along with one just dedicated to the CPU. That being said, I've never actually had to use more than 3 of them.
I was considering acquiring water cooling, but I never really saw the incentive, since my fans were working perfectly.

Hearing this, I'm just all the more pleased I never went for it.
Posted the details now.
Posted 11 years ago
Well there are lots of situations where water cooling will be better. I didn't exactly go for a top of the line cooler. It was only $90 and it only cooled the cpu.

I don't know if the unit I had was bad or not. But really, if you're fans are keeping your temps low, I don't see the need either.
Posted 11 years ago
Welcome, Oh great and esteemed Nathanel.

To thee Forums of TIM.
Posted 11 years ago
Welcome to the IMVU Mafias!

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