Long overdue introduction

by RisingPhoenixAngel · 4 posts
11 years ago in Introductions
Posted 11 years ago · Author
Hello Mafia family, I have been a registered member since 2009, I guess you would all call me a lurker :doubt: but the truth is that when I first joined here I didn't know much about anything (IMVU life / Forums). I saw some people get roughed up in the forums for spamming and stuff and became very intimidated about posting :?, in fact I felt that it was darn near impossible at that time to figure out how to do things correctly in here and didn't log on for awhile, but I am not the type to give up, I just take a break and then come back and see if things have changed. I have seen many things change for the better and more info on how to post, also taken more time to read through the forums and here I am feeling a bit more confident to be able to introduce myself. I also have been on IMVU since 2009, and well up to this point have been lucky enough not to have gotten banned from all the nightmare stories I have read on here and have had friends experience on IMVU. Friends who were banned for the first time ever on IMVU because their public rooms that are set to AP have descriptions that IMVU considers inappropriate, all my one friend had on her room description was that her room was a BDSM room and they banned her for that, WTH?? Later we find out that if a person with AP is in her room and they leave the room location visible and that person has GA friends they can "read" the room description. Umm excuse me but whose fault is that... not my friends, but IMVU's. Yet they are punishing their customers for their lack of programming skills. They are the most ridiculously run business I have ever seen in my life, I would not buy their stock if they were publicly traded unless I could do a take over and change their business practices. God that felt good to get that off my chest. So while on IMVU I have done a little developing basically how to make textures and stuff, I started with hair and have been branching out, learning little by little as I go, and I would love to learn more and be a productive member of this family.
Posted 11 years ago
great spirit, welcome

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