Change Title Of Page (Text seen on browser tab)

Don Von Alpha Dom
by Don Von Alpha Dom · 12 posts
12 years ago in General
Posted 12 years ago · Author
Replace 'new title text' with the words you want on the browser tab when people visit your page.

var newtitle = 'new title text';
parent.document.title = newtitle;

Old Code: (This code no longer works on most browsrs due to security changes)
Replace 'This can say anything' with the words you want on the browser tab when people visit your page.

<script type="text/javascript">
document.title='This can say anything!';
Posted 12 years ago
This code doesn't seem to work on Google Chrome as far as I know.
Posted 12 years ago
no, so far this doesnt work for me either, although since i put it on my IMVU homepage. and they are going slow as butt right now.. that may have something to do with it..
i am also using chrome lol

i will test it in a HTMl document saved to my computer just for a final check.

~~! Edit !~~

Confirmed does work on Google chrome:

but i dont think it works on IMVU pages, unless i placed it in the in correct spot lol
Posted 12 years ago
IMVU made changes to homepage customizations that caused any JavaScript entered into the panels to may stop behaving as desired or stop working entirely in the interest of protecting security and privacy.
Posted 12 years ago · Author
Mew wrote:
Yup! that one works! xD

Thanks, the opening post has been updated with the new script.

LuckyMagic wrote:
IMVU made changes to homepage customizations that caused any JavaScript entered into the panels to may stop behaving as desired or stop working entirely in the interest of protecting security and privacy.

Well fuck imvu inc. All they did was add some old school frames to the HP's to try and confuse people. As long as you know how frames work, you can make your JavaScript do whatever you want.
Posted 12 years ago
Don Von Free Credits wrote:
Well fuck imvu inc.

Amen to that :wink:

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