Invite spoofer

by Hydra · 20 posts
8 years ago in Basic Creator Help
Posted 8 years ago
Hydra wrote:
Let me know if you get any progress with it

I have run some tests, all have failed so far. I have not pinpointed the exact code yet but I'm still looking.
Posted 8 years ago · Author
D.M wrote:
Hydra wrote:Let me know if you get any progress with itI have run some tests, all have failed so far. I have not pinpointed the exact code yet but I'm still looking.

Try looking in the go button in the chatroom manage tab. That button lets you enter rooms that are full

-- Tue Apr 26, 2016 5:01 pm --

Any updates
Posted 8 years ago
Hydra wrote:
-- Tue Apr 26, 2016 5:01 pm --Any updates @D.M

I have not looked at it since the other day. I've been focusing on finishing up a program for Don. After tonight, I will be gone for about a month. so I am rushing to finish everything I can tonight.

If I get a chance to look more into it tonight I will. But that depends how much time I have left after fixing the FAQ page. I was going to start work on the Friend Spider you requested but if you'd rather I could spend the time doing client hacking researching.
Posted 8 years ago · Author
D.M wrote:
Hydra wrote:-- Tue Apr 26, 2016 5:01 pm --Any updates @D.M
I have not looked at it since the other day. I've been focusing on finishing up a program for Don. After tonight, I will be gone for about a month. so I am rushing to finish everything I can tonight.If I get a chance to look more into it tonight I will. But that depends how much time I have left after fixing the FAQ page. I was going to start work on the Friend Spider you requested but if you'd rather I could spend the time doing client h4(k1n9 researching.

I think you should do the research because you can kind of do the friend spider yourself (just will take a bit of time), but you can't really do the joining a full room thing.
Posted 8 years ago
Hydra wrote:
but you can't really do the joining a full room thing.

I can. I added a new filter to my Chat Rooms mode that lets me search for rooms with 10 people in them, which is the maximum for most rooms. So it's real easy to find full rooms :P


-- Wed Apr 27, 2016 12:20 am --

I've checked every file related to rooms and removed any code that checks if a room is full as well as any code that modifies the go button. So far no luck. I will continue looking into it.
Posted 8 years ago · Author
D.M wrote:
Hydra wrote:but you can't really do the joining a full room thing.I can. I added a new filter to my Chat Rooms mode that lets me search for rooms with 10 people in them, which is the maximum for most rooms. So it's real easy to find full rooms @Hydra-- Wed Apr 27, 2016 12:20 am --I've checked every file related to rooms and removed any code that checks if a room is full as well as any code that modifies the go button. So far no luck. I will continue looking into it.


Damn! Even the manage tab go button (where if you are the owner you can join your room, regardless if it's full)?

My thought was (I don't know much about code so this may sound ridiculous):
1. Click chatrooms
2. Click Manage
3. You're in the manage tab (see what rooms you own, and this is where you can edit your rooms too).
4. Copy the go button code from the manage tab and paste that go button code for regular rooms, go buttons.
Posted 8 years ago
Hydra wrote:
Damn! Even the manage tab go button (where if you are the owner you can join your room, regardless if it's full)

I haven't found any code specific to that button. The code that handles the room management tab does not contain any code for the go button only edit and delete.

Posted 8 years ago · Author
D.M wrote:
Hydra wrote:
Damn! Even the manage tab go button (where if you are the owner you can join your room, regardless if it's full)
I haven't found any code specific to that button. The code that handles the room management tab does not contain any code for the go button only edit and delete.@Hydra


The only reason I said this was because of the following:

If you room is full, you can't join the room via the go button, if you try to join from the chatroom tab.

If your room is full and you join through the manage tab, you can join. There is a link between these 2 concepts.
Last edited by DataMine on Thu Apr 28, 2016 6:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: fixed double quote
Posted 8 years ago
Hydra wrote:
There is a link between these 2 concepts.

I haven't found the code yet but my guess was there was some code that checked if you were the room owner. I'll have to keep looking during my free time.
Posted 7 years ago

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