Need replacement Futa trigger items

by Raiyhne · 4 posts
9 years ago in Basic Creator Help
Posted 9 years ago · Author
I have several Futa items on my character. They've survived for a very long time and several IMVU purges, probably because by themselves they don't violate any rules. But to work, they require a separate trigger item to grow and do animations.

I've lost all of my triggers TWICE now, and my sources for them have dried up. Which was bad because the original triggers allowed for some very impressive size ranges. I was wondering how I could go about commissioning a replacement trigger item?
Posted 8 years ago
Don's prb 1.5 really works great specially with the new hash off setter... As what Don said the gender modifier helps you convert the male penis (as well as other products as well)to be able to use by female avatar....Thank you Don DM for everything you do for us....More power to you and Mafia.....It is really nice to be a part of the family...thank you always! :bunny:

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