Best Methods to boost Teir level for creators.

by smykey33 · 4 posts
7 years ago in Basic Creator Help
Posted 7 years ago · Author
Can anyone give me the best suggestion on the fastest methods of how to boost your creator level status, and earn tier points. Please let me know if anyone has any helptful tips on this. I am looking to boost my level as fast as I can. I have been making alot of products. Starting to get some sales coming in everyday. I need to know best methods I got average rating of 5 stars which gave me 3 points, which is all I have. Should I not get more for other things? like products submitted in shop and so on? please help with anything that I can do to get my level up.
Posted 7 years ago
For me, I usually take look on the tier metrics and understands what need to be achieved to get the points. Refering to the tier metrics here : ... 6#10492136

I work my tier points up from what I think is the easiest to the hardest. For me from the easiest to the hardest goes like:
  • Average Product Rating (+3) - to max out this I only need to review the product I submitted, I usually review them after I submit the product.
  • Products in catalog (+3) - I usually upload 160+ products to get 3 points, at this point I'm on tier level 2 with 6 tier points .
  • Products recently submitted (+3) - This tier point is updated by calculating the total product you updated per month. I can either have 105+ products uploaded in a month, or make 40ish product per month. At this point I'll be tier level 3 with 9 tier points
  • Income Credits - Same like products recently submitted, this point is updated by calculating the credits income from the sales per month. To max this out I need to 180k sales/3 months, you can break it down like making 6k income per day to reach +3 in a month 2k per day to reach +3 in 3 months. At this point I'll be tier level 4 with 12 tier points.
  • Income Credits (promo) - For me income from promo credits is kinda hard so I usually only get 1-2 points. But still it contributes to the tier. I only need one more point here for tier level 5 (PRO), so yeah 1 point is enough lol.
Posted 7 years ago
Create something everyday. It seems simple and not really advice right? Trust me it works. I don't mean create one thing and the don't for a week or two, I mean everyday. It raises your chances of being shown in the "whats new" box, and thats where you wanna be. Imvu it based solely on popularity, and tricking ppl into thinking that what they are buying is something great even if its not. For some reason being in the "Whats New" box sets off alarms in peoples heads lol.

Outside of that? Yes the metrics mean alot. But this is the first step to getting there.
Posted 7 years ago
Ratings to a 3 is always a no brainer you can do that within one day...What you do after you send your item to PR while waiting you can go down yourself and give yourself 5 jalepenos and then write Available or New or something in comments and then accept and bam a instantanious 5 rating on all of your products. As you may or may not notice alot of people now adays when they buy something from you they do not go to the products page to write a review. Even if you send them a nice message they still do not do it is up to you to rate your own items to get that 3 points in that area. Sales well is based on what you put out and if it is something everyone wants. There is really no guarentee on how much or how often a item may sell heck you may not sell a thing of one thing but sell alot of another as it is a hit and miss on what items people are looking for. Promo income well although alot of us hate it they are out there and mostly come from the noob accounts when they are going through thier check lists to get the 2k of credits to be able to give them a starter avatar. Another thing is instead of craming all your new wares into one day spread them out through the month a few each day is good this way you will always have something that is in the newest products which people look at first before going through the catty. Make sure you do your PR (peer Review) this also takes a little time but it's managable to be able to get a3 points there in one month depending on how much time you want to allocate to looking and rating items...Easy to do when you are just sitting in a room and listening to music when no one is talking or no one is in there. Forums Posting...Again it's reading the forums and answering questions or asking questions or giving tutorials in there that will also give you some points. and thats IMVU forums not here but basically the same concept. Then there is advertising..Utilize pulse..Post a advo for a new product in Pulse and pulse to everybody and not to just friends so that people see it and are tempted to go and look at that link and possibly go to look at your catty. Then also if you have the credits on Gaf210 they have where you can place items and your banners that they place on several sites to advertise for you and there yyou can monitor by thier dashboard how many times it was shown on the websites as well as how many sells you have gotten because of it as well as how many people clicked on them to see them. Very helpful for a small price(payable in credits) Then you can also make something cheap and send that out to random people with a message that you are introducing them to your shop and you invite them to look at your carry..You are sending them a small token which everyone likes free items even though you pay for it the money comes back to you and it adds to your doing this people will say hey they were nice let me take a look at thier catty... then you can also post in your Tag line Take a look at my catty or you can use mikes letters or someone elses and post that down in your badges..up to you. So hopefully there is a few tricks and tips to help you get started on your way to getting up there in tier points...Any questions feel free to inbox me...
ES :tlaconcerned:

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