Creating a neon effect using Skin Composite override

by DataMine · 2 posts
6 years ago in Basic Creator Help
Posted 6 years ago · Author
1. Copy the code below and save it as neon.xrf

<AMBIENT>149 149 149 0</AMBIENT>
<DIFFUSE>255 255 255 255</DIFFUSE>
<SPECULAR>229 229 229 0</SPECULAR>
<MAP TYPE="Diffuse Color">gradient.png</MAP>
<MAP TYPE="Opacity">opacity.jpg</MAP>

2. Open create mode and click derive new product. Select the product you want to derive from and click ok.
After create mode opens, go to the project folder for your new product and put the neon.xrf
file we made in step one in there.

3. In create mode click on debug then click the debug 02 tab.


4. In the debug window scroll down and find the Material entry.

5. Click the + next to Material to expand it.


6. Scroll the the TextureMaps under Material and find the last one. Remember it's name.


7. At the bottom of the debug window click "Add Key".


8. In the Add Key prompt type in "TextureMap" without quotes. At the end of the word TextureMap put a
number that is 1 greater than the the TextureMap from step 6. For example: If the last TextureMap is called
"TextureMap2" enter "TextureMap3" in the Add Key prompt.


9. Select the key you made and press the "Add Data" button.


10. In the "Add New Dictionary Entry" prompt that opens type "Asset" in the left box and the name
of your xrf file you made in step one in the right box without quotes.


11. Select the key again and press the "Add Data" button.

12. In the "Add New Dictionary Entry" prompt that opens type "Index" in the left box and "7" in the
right box without quotes.


13. Click the apply button at the top next to save. Then click the meshes tab. If you've done
everything correctly you should see a new empty material with the id of 7


Now, we'll need to create a neon material in slot 7. This is accomplished by using
a horizontal gradient as the texture and cycling as the texture animation mode.

For this tutorial we'll use a 256x64 rainbow gradient texture. You can right click and save as the image
below to use.


Step 14. Select the empty material slot we made and apply your texture to it. Then go to the texture animation
settings and endter in the following values:

Mode: Cycling
Cell Width: 1
Cell Height:64 (your image height; can be any power of 2)
Frames/Cell: 8(speed of color change)
Start Cell: 1
Number of frames: 256 (X size of your gradient)


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