Help - Bumping People - Stealing Someone Spot

by 3X360N3L · 8 posts
5 years ago in Basic Creator Help
Posted 5 years ago · Author
I'm trying to achieve this result :

So from here to now, to achieve a steal spot i use Asoftech Speeder
So i slow when entering room in approach to steal someone spot, actually its working but related pyo reset spot...
The main thing i need is to construct code and i need your help watcher ! :awesome41:

Related files : IMVULog.log | SessionWindow.pyo | meet.pyo

Related code :
meet.pyo( 185)    INFO: sendImMessage(): messageText: '[b]*msg SeatAssignment 2 230689992 15 2488448640[/b]' session=<JoinRoomSession DirectConnect: instance 4, userId 230689992, chat 499453724>

*msg SeatAssignment 2 230689992 15 2488448640

INFO: action_msgImpl(): command: u'*msg' params: u'SeatAssignment 2 230689992 15 2488448640' messageObject: 230689992/u'*msg SeatAssignment 2 230689992 15 2488448640'/1554988255.042

meet.pyo( 185)    INFO: sendImMessage(): messageText: '*seat 1' session=<JoinRoomSession DirectConnect: instance 4, userId 230689992, chat 499453724>

chat : *seat 1

meet.pyo( 185)    INFO: sendImMessage(): messageText: '*resume 230689992' session=<JoinRoomSession DirectConnect: instance 4, userId 230689992, chat 499453724>

chat : *resume 230689992(cid)

INFO: --> test.recordFact({'fact_type': 'Change Seat', 'params': {'client_version': '536.0', 'customers_id': 230689992, 'room': 37956022, 'seat': 15}, 'time': 1554988255.042}) : 536.0 | 230689992 | 37956022 | seat = 15 ??? 'time': 1554988255.042

I need this code to be a constructed code to be persistant spot. Help
Actually its sessionwindow.pyo that move seats.

sessionwindow.pyo(2167) INFO: SessionWindow.onAvatarSeatChanged(<_avatarwindow.SceneObject object at 0x1BB30E30>, 4294967295L, 0, 1, 0)

-- Thu Apr 11, 2019 2:44 pm --

Questions :
Does *seat 1 is boolean ?
Does *resume cid reset spot ?
Where *msg SeatAssignment have to be filled in ?

-- Thu Apr 11, 2019 3:31 pm --

Don Von Alpha Dom wrote:
YoungNino wrote:do you guys know how to bump people? like take their spots?Look in your IMVU log file. The code for moving an avatar into a new spot is rather complex and involves knowing the avatar's cid and some information about the room.
Posted 5 years ago
I spent a little bit of time on this a few years ago but never finished my research. This is what I pieced together about the SeatAssignment command:

*msg SeatAssignment {UNKNOWN NUM} {CID} {Seat NUM} {Furniture ID}

FYI As per our Terms of Service, we will not help you with malicious research. Moving friends around for fun is a different story but using this to troll people or attack them will not be tolerated.
Posted 5 years ago · Author
Moving friends around for fun is a different story but using this to troll people or attack them will not be tolerated.

Well hell yeah imvu rooms are getting bored you see or did you expect the seduction part that made seats being on imvu cause avatar are sealed you see stealing spot may be used to seduct a man or a woman while texting each other. That happenned to me cause i'm e-whoring sometimes.

Agreed ToS so i'm not a victim.
Posted 5 years ago
That's an interesting perspective. Let us know if you figure out what the unknown number is. Though even if you do I'm not sure how you'd get the furniture id without manually sitting in it and checking the logs. Though I guess it depends how quick you want to be able to move or how often you plan on doing it.
Posted 5 years ago · Author
Though even if you do I'm not sure how you'd get the furniture id

Mine. Sofa was designed to be 0 cause LoggingServerProxy.pyo record the furniture event with char so sofa is designed to be zero alos this proof that log reveals time tag see below

this way
LoggingServerProxy.pyo(  16)    INFO: --> test.recordFact({'fact_type': 'Change Seat', 'params': {'client_version': '536.0', 'customers_id': 230689992, 'room': 38304093, 'seat': 4}, 'time': 1555020295.555})

Save log.. from random room seat 4 equal far right spot of a sofa in this case

Here also another case of LoggingServerProxy.pyo.
Right spot of sofa is number 1; rather than far left spot is number 3 (so number 2 poc)
is this way :
LoggingServerProxy.pyo(  18)    INFO: <-- chat.getParticipants({'chatId': 499953943, 'userId': 230689992}) returned [{'seat': 3, 'userId': 170885243}

Fourniture id ? Its SessionWindow that attributes to furniture cause they stocked in memory so cheat engine bind to example at function onAvatarSeatChanged also hexadecimals used to render 3d is used to build free transformation

this way
SessionWindow.onAvatarSeatChanged(<_avatarwindow.SceneObject object at 0x1BB30E30>
Last edited by 3X360N3L on Thu Apr 11, 2019 11:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posted 5 years ago
3X360N3L wrote:
sofa is designed to be zero

What do you mean by this? Are we talking about your room where you specifically loaded only the sofa?
Posted 5 years ago · Author
DataMine wrote:
3X360N3L wrote:sofa is designed to be zeroWhat do you mean by this? Are we talking about your room where you specifically loaded only the sofa?

Physics. Cause the topic is about stealing someone spot persistant.
I use Aseftech Speeder to modify time speed of application, mean of necessecity you must click the "bypass to screen" button and try to achieve the number 0 to be for example a sofa ? (Its needed in *msg SeatAssignment" - constructed code to be persistant. Log reveals also other furniture as small numeric system like 0 , 1, 4 (if you change pos in room etc.)

-- Thu Apr 11, 2019 11:23 pm --

Mine. worked with
*msg SeatAssignment 2 230689992 1 0

230689992 is my cid | the number unknow is 2, i'll ditch (who know?) the ground | 1 is the seat and 0 the sofa from the lagware so see you soon
Posted 5 years ago
Datamine is correct. That is the exact command I use to use to bump people out of their seat. I have not done it myself in nearly half a decade, but it was pretty easy when I did. The seat numbers you need to play around with. I use to keep a chart of seat numbers within the room I spent the most time in, so I could quickly look them up. The result is just a parlor trick, but quite impressive.

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