We need an add banner.

Don Von Alpha Dom
by Don Von Alpha Dom · 21 posts
17 years ago in Basic Creator Help
Posted 17 years ago · Author
Would anyone like to design a banner or two for our site, so we can advertise it in style?

Our current banners can be seen here: http://[FixThisLink]/vp608.html#608
Last edited by Don Von Alpha Dom on Sun Mar 16, 2008 10:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posted 17 years ago
let me know how you would like to have the banner

i'm a addict whe it comes to making pics and stuff like that

i made many things let me know if you wanna see some of my work
Posted 17 years ago · Author
It should have the name of our organization on it, "IMVU Mafias".
I want it to look welcoming, but at the same time militaristic and patriotic like any army ad. Our official colors are black, teal, purple, white, and blue. I do not want any violence in it, but at the same time I want our group to look strong. It should get the point across that we are here to help people.

Thanks in advance.
Posted 17 years ago
Here is my work:

Posted 17 years ago
I put a link on my homepage to my IMVU portable on this forum. Link is called "IMVU Portable @ Mafia"

EDIT: And the banner is very artistic, Mariko. Although the font is a bit off, difficult to read.

Try this: attempt to read the whole message in 2-3 seconds without putting much effort in it. If your eyes catch the whole sentence(s) and comprehend their meaning, its fine.

Thanks to mass media, people want info without much effort 24/7. If they got to put effort in it, higher the chance they lose their interest.

And while the current composition hints a deep artist inside of you, mass media is not much about art. It's about punchlines, gaining attention. Dark letters with a quite dark background may indeed hint to a mafias true nature (as dabbeling in illegal activities, darkness), but the comprehension capabilitie suffers.

Haven't you learned writing a newspaper article at school? You start with the big things, big facts. I mean like *motions a picture frame with his hands like cameramen do*
"BOOM, what happened, WHY did it happen, WHO is to blame (and so on...)??
Posted 17 years ago
if you'll give me the text, i'll put it there. i put this text on because that's the text i had on my invitation :P
Posted 17 years ago
If you give me an example of text, I'll try and do it. I mean..I have some ideas...I will make a banner and put it up soon.
I would like to put the "motto" from my avatar in this. I mean..I this would be the best motto that Mafia can have...my opinion :D

EDIT: This is my creation. I made it...like.."old" style..I think this suits the best The Mafia.. :D hope you'll like it
Posted 16 years ago
hey wont adding a mafia banner to this site haveing the chance of being banned??? :?
oh and funky great job on that banner IT'S amazing to me :razz:
someone get a code for this banner i want to add it lolz :o

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