Posted 10 years ago
Here I will be posting quality ap (access pass) IMVU products I come across in the IMVU catalog. The products you see here will range from AP nude products to simply products with adult language or themes.
I am only interested in quality IMVU products, so the IMVU products I advertise here will meet 1 or all of the following criteria:
Are cheap
The products are affordable and not overpriced. I will check to make sure that the product is the cheapest for it's level of quality.
Are not derived
The product is not an effortless derive. I will not post a product that has simply been derived and the price jacked up. I do not wish to help lazy developers with no talent or interest in their work.
Have a decent quality icon
Product icons may not seem important but it's the first thing a customer sees and it's what they'll have to look at in their inventory and what their peers will see when looking at their outfit. If you're icon looks like shit, chances are your product is too. If effort hasn't been put into the icon then it most likely won't be advertised here.
Have a decent product page
As with the product icon, this is one of the first things a customer will normally see. product pages should give a clear indication of what the customer is buying and give them all the relevant information about the product they need to know. If you don't put effort into this then don't expect to see the product here.
Have good textures and or meshes
The product looks good when being used. Effort has been put into making sure the product performs well in the day to day IMVU environment.
I hope this helps our users get a better experience from the IMVU catalog, helping them to avoid regretful purchases and supporting the wrong developers. If you'd like to recommend a product for this thread, send me a pm, please don't post it here.
Male Products:
Female Products:
Other Products:
I am only interested in quality IMVU products, so the IMVU products I advertise here will meet 1 or all of the following criteria:
Are cheap
The products are affordable and not overpriced. I will check to make sure that the product is the cheapest for it's level of quality.
Are not derived
The product is not an effortless derive. I will not post a product that has simply been derived and the price jacked up. I do not wish to help lazy developers with no talent or interest in their work.
Have a decent quality icon
Product icons may not seem important but it's the first thing a customer sees and it's what they'll have to look at in their inventory and what their peers will see when looking at their outfit. If you're icon looks like shit, chances are your product is too. If effort hasn't been put into the icon then it most likely won't be advertised here.
Have a decent product page
As with the product icon, this is one of the first things a customer will normally see. product pages should give a clear indication of what the customer is buying and give them all the relevant information about the product they need to know. If you don't put effort into this then don't expect to see the product here.
Have good textures and or meshes
The product looks good when being used. Effort has been put into making sure the product performs well in the day to day IMVU environment.
I hope this helps our users get a better experience from the IMVU catalog, helping them to avoid regretful purchases and supporting the wrong developers. If you'd like to recommend a product for this thread, send me a pm, please don't post it here.
Male Products:
Female Products:
Other Products: