What is the story behind your username?

by AznPuff · 21 posts
10 years ago in Social Games
Posted 10 years ago · Author
Back in the day when Azn was short for Asian and Puff was a cute dessert.
I've found out that my username has a totally dirty meaning in German though. I still keep it anyway.
Posted 10 years ago
A friend thought my old username said pancake, and pampered is a nice P word that goes well with it.

Pampered pancake just sounds funny :P
Posted 10 years ago
Once you finish Star Wars The Force Unleashed on the Darkside difficulty you unlock the Sith Stalkers Armor. Which i found to be the coolest looking armor in the game and when i wore it i assumed your character was called Darth Stalkers and ever since then, i've had a username
Posted 10 years ago

Because this bird took on the crazy doctor. Also, he's a manga artist who influences the world around him to treat everything like an epic fantasy novel. Best bird.
Posted 10 years ago
At school I had a teacher who gave me a bad grade in literature, he told me: You keep writing of axioms, you have to find topics and subjects exciting!

...so after this, he called me axiom always
Posted 7 years ago
Kari is my nickname that I love better than my real first name. And I added Wolf because of my love for wolves and the wolf is also my spirit guide. :)
Posted 7 years ago
There's old movies from the early 60's called Gidget and her love interest is named moondoggie. *shrugs*
Posted 7 years ago
To take advantage of an offer on an eCommerce website I had to create a new account with a new user name and consequently I took the word "Your" from a tutoring service with a company name containing the word your. "Waver" was derived from the word waves. I used the word waves for the second part since I used to go to a high school that was located right next to a beach that holds a major surfing competition every year.

When I created this account I couldn't think of a username so I just took the username I made recently for an eCommerce site.
Posted 7 years ago
Usually you hear the name Miss Kitty attached to a woman who takes care of the girls that "dance" Lul

Mostly cause my name is Kat xD

-- Mon May 01, 2017 5:09 am --

Oh yeah and cause its cute as hell too. Kist because. xD
Posted 7 years ago
lost my brother chris so everything i do i do it in rememberance of him...

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