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by Emperor · 23 posts
7 years ago in Social Games
Posted 7 years ago · Author
if you had chose to eat. Mc Donald ,Dominos ,wendyz burger king
but here catch you cant each one every day you need to do mixture. like fries from mc Donald chicken nugget from wendyz for 1 month if someone offer you to eat for free
would you do it and why?
Posted 7 years ago
Idk why would you do it :dancingbannana:
Posted 7 years ago
Oh HELL NO! Have you seen what goes in some of that stuff or how they cook it? Not to mention how some of it doesn't even digest in your body.
Posted 7 years ago
Nope nope I can't do it because of my diabetes. I can do it once in a while, like burgers or chicken sandwich and a few fries if I cheat, but I get salad sometimes. I love salads! I could live on salads alone. Yummy :bunny: :dancingbunny:
Posted 7 years ago
Even if I wanted to I can't. If I eat Mcdonalds or any other junk food for every meal I will start to feel sick after a few days.
Posted 7 years ago
I could probably try this, but I don't know if I'd be able to finish a whole month of nothing but fast food. Too often I get sick eating places like McDonald's and Burger King. I could make it a while off of Domino's pizzas though. Those things are yummy.
Posted 7 years ago
You could eat healthy with this with some effort. Like a salad from Dominoes, Apple from mcdonalds.
Posted 6 years ago
No Fast Food is the way to go

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