For the Bored Game

by Kaori · 87 posts
14 years ago in Social Games
Posted 14 years ago · Author
You're hurting nature if you eat a pig, so don't.

I'm so bored, I don't know what I should do with my officer pay, any suggestions?
Posted 14 years ago
Pikachuu wrote:
You're hurting nature if you eat a pig, so don't.

I'm so bored, I don't know what I should do with my officer pay, any suggestions?

Don't spend it all on IMVU. You should save that money to buy bigger and cooler things later on!

Im so bored... I could amputate my left ear and paint sunflowers.
Posted 14 years ago
Don't do that.. Van Gough will sue you for copyright reasons.

I'm so bored I'll watch Charlie the Unicorn repeatedly..
Posted 14 years ago · Author
Will get you even more bored, not a good idea.

I'm so bored, thinking about putting together a Pikachu outfit for my avi. xD
Posted 14 years ago
Don't do that, it'll make you look fat. x]

I'm so bored that i'm actually studying for my history test. o.o
Posted 14 years ago
Dont do it, you'll succeed in life and don't play imvu anymore XD
I'm so bored, I could start up my IMVU.
Posted 14 years ago · Author
Don't do that, it will start crashing over & over again.
I'm so bored, I feel like going to bed.
Posted 14 years ago
Don't do that, someone might put your hand in some water while you are asleep...and we all know what happens after that.

I'm so bored, I might actually get off of the computer and do some chores.
Posted 14 years ago · Author
Your parents will start telling you to do chores every day if you do that. :hehe:

I'm so bored, maybe I should go on a blowout promo shopping spree?
Posted 14 years ago
share some with me :)

Im so bored, im gunna go watch Barney

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