Would You Rather?

by Bloodxib · 21 posts
14 years ago in Social Games
Posted 11 years ago
Definately Liquer!

Would you rather kiss your dog or your brother/sister?
Posted 10 years ago
Dog for sure, cute little Sausage Dog ^.^

Would you rather watch Star Wars or Lord of The Rings, (You have to watch the whole series)?
Posted 10 years ago
Lord of the rings (whole series :mrgreen: )

Would you rather bike or skating?
Posted 10 years ago
Ride a bike.

Would you rather be able to lie and get away with it or always know when someone is lying?
Posted 10 years ago
Always know when someone is lying

Would you rather eat Pizza or wraps everyday for a year?
Posted 10 years ago
Wraps. Burritos, tacos, sushi, dim sims.

Would you rather diet until you lose 15kg in a year or get constant colds for a year?
Posted 10 years ago
Diet until I lose 15kg in a year

Would you rather spend a year without a bed or a month without having your own room?
Posted 10 years ago
A month with no room

Would you rather have to watch a full Justin Bieber concert or live the rest of your life with no fast food places!
Posted 10 years ago
Full concert (not specified who ;P )

Would you rather spend a month at sea or a month in the Antarctic?
Posted 10 years ago
If im given proper stuff to survive Antarctica, if not, sea

-- Sun Dec 21, 2014 4:32 pm --

Would you rather take on a full rugby team, or have paper cuts in between each finger and toe?

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