Would you rather?

by Rahvasaadik · 528 posts
16 years ago in Social Games

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No, this sucks! 10%
Yes, it's awesome! 90%
Posted 14 years ago
*kiss a dead body==>I wouldnt ever separate me from my right to kiss someone I like!

Would you rather swim in a pool for an hour of human blood, or hang upside down for 8 hours?
Posted 14 years ago
swim in a pool for an hour of human blood
[]Well the reason is, Actually...she just wanted to be friend XD[]

Would you rather Get back stabed? or stabed?
Posted 14 years ago
Back stabbed.

Would you rather be told you have cancer, or find out that someone dear to you has cancer?
Posted 14 years ago
Have cancer myself. It'd be a lot harder to see someone dear to me die right before my eyes. :[
Would you rather live without physical or phychological hurt?
Posted 14 years ago
aww.. sweet iCheesy ^.^

Would rather live without Psychological hurt, physical hurt can be healed, but once tampered with psychology , wont heal easily :?

Would you rather go bald or dance frantically at New York's City Square :lol:
Posted 14 years ago
..i`ll better chose dancng frantically at New York's City Square :D lol
..i have too long hair to go bald just like that... :(

Would you rather be a carpet under 1,000,000... feet or a dagger owned by a psycho murderer??!! :oops:
Posted 14 years ago
A carpet. This way I won't have to feel guilt for ending people's lifes. D:
Would you rather die slowly, like from a disease, or fast?
Posted 14 years ago
I guess just emos wanna die slowly?
If I really gotta die, headshot from far away so I have no plan I'ma die. :?

Do you rather want to get rolled over with a car 5 times or shot in the knee 3 times? Hard decision lol
Posted 14 years ago
Not much of a choise, but I guess, I'd rather be shot in the knee, 'cause there'd be a hole lot more chances in survival.
Would you rather go to the dentist or to the circus?
Posted 14 years ago
..i would rather go to the circus...it would be a great entertainment.. =D :) ..dentist is good too.. :)

Would you rather be Pamela Anderson or Paris Hilton? :lol:

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