The person below me...

King Falcon
by King Falcon · 1730 posts
15 years ago in Social Games
Posted 14 years ago
sleep is a waste of life i try to avoid it

the person below me feels raped after hearing this tune :awesome33:
Posted 14 years ago
wrong i love this :awesome33:

the person below me loves cats
Posted 14 years ago
dont love them but i dont really hate them either

the person below me prefers animals bigger then them
Posted 14 years ago
ermmm like tigers and lions <3

The person below me has more posts than I do
Posted 14 years ago
err what?

the person below me is older than me (im 16)
Posted 14 years ago
I wish that was true...

The person below me likes anime?
Posted 14 years ago

the person below me shaves

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