Pirates Vs Ninjas

Don Von Alpha Dom
by Don Von Alpha Dom · 357 posts
16 years ago in Social Games

Pirates Vs Ninjas

Pirates 33%
Ninjas 67%
Posted 14 years ago
Posted 14 years ago
Say what you want to say. Pirates are great! Let's drink some Grog!!
Posted 14 years ago
Ninjas and Pirates, actually, both rock. I don't think anyone can compare them with each other.
Posted 14 years ago
Again: Pirates ftw!
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum <3
I love rum <3
Posted 14 years ago
Nuuuuu! NINJAS WILL RULE THE WORLD! Okay, Pirates suck, I give up.
Posted 14 years ago
I still go for the Pirates. Mmmm. They drink rum. Yummy. The rum is soo good. Oh, do the ninjas? NO they don't! Ha! Chu ninjas don't have rum. Mwuhahaha. -shows the bottle of rum- Want some? -takes the bottle of rum and drinks it all- Oooh, too bad :( I don't have anymore :(.
Posted 14 years ago
Ninjas will rule the world! xD ~gives all Ninjas and Ninja fans some rum~Drink up my fellow Ninjas. :D
Posted 14 years ago
Ha! You don't have that much rum. :twisted: As you can see there are too much ninjas and ninja fans. You can't get rum for all of them. Phbbbtt! . Ha! Beat this!
Posted 14 years ago
You will never see a ninja, never have seen a ninja, and never will see a ninja. IF you thought you saw a ninja you didn't. The ONLY time you will ever see a ninja is right before they kill you(if your lucky enough to spot them)

1. Ninja fight ALL the time.
2. Ninja like to keep kittens purring by rubbing their cute little bellies. See the Proof! If you see a kitten purring for no reason, there is undoubtedly an unseen ninja rubbing its belly.
3. Ninja are silent but deadly.
4. Ninja can have sex with themselves, even if their eyes are closed.
5. All ninja can wail on an electric guitar. However, they generally choose not to, as this tends to alert people to their presence.
6. Ninja and pirates do NOT get along.
7. Ninja don't wear headbands with the word "Ninja" printed on them. Proof!
8. Ninja are responsible for the majority of deaths in the world. You, yourself are likely dead from a ninja attack, however it probably happened quick enough that you didn't notice, so you will continue living your "life" (as you believe it to be) until you are convinced you are actually dead.
Pwnage for the Pirates. xD

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