The person below me...

King Falcon
by King Falcon · 1730 posts
15 years ago in Social Games
Posted 14 years ago
-.- no

The person bellow me need some coffee?
Posted 14 years ago

the person below me thinks I pwn the world xD
(I know the answer already xD)
Posted 14 years ago
maybe "your" world ^^

The person bellow is funny ? ^^
Posted 14 years ago
Dont think so

The person below me likes friends
Posted 14 years ago
mhm ^^

The person below me is missing a special friend right now.
Posted 14 years ago
no i was missing my speical someone for 4 days but no more ^^

the person below me is happy?
Posted 14 years ago
just in everyday mood

the person below me likes to flirt
Posted 14 years ago
yup only to mi angel. shhh :P

the person below me is cute?
Posted 14 years ago
hell no
Im ugly

the person below me is not a whore
Posted 14 years ago
well imma guy so i cant be a whore anyways.

the person below me is stupid.

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