What annoys you?

General Tony
by General Tony · 262 posts
14 years ago in Social Games
Posted 13 years ago
Sexism, sexual deviants, the 'because I'm older' escuse, and the 'You're just a kid' reasoning.
Posted 13 years ago
Having to wake up in the middle of the night to piss :x
Posted 12 years ago
The changes,and the lies.
Posted 12 years ago
Politicians extremists religious ppl
Posted 11 years ago
Know it all people
Posted 11 years ago
People that think there all that and a bag of sticks
Posted 11 years ago
When I am in bed and my significant other keeps asking if I am awake. The fact that he has to ask more than once should indicate that I am sleeping. Or when I am awake in bed and he asks if " I am sleeping". If I don't answer she will ask again until I do wakeup at which point I have to answer " I was".

When People stare through their rear view mirror.

When people ride my bumper, especially if it is an elderly woman.

When people make "duck faces" on facebook. Honorable mention- when people feel a need to take pictures of their dinner and post it to facebook.

When people say " I hate to bother you but". Usually whatever they ask will be a bother and if they hate to do it they should avoid asking.

When people say it " tugged at my heart strings" ( maybe after watching a sad movie). I want to say it "tugged at my toe strings" and have them look at me as if I am crazy to suggest toes have strings. I didn't know heart had strings though. Foolish me.
When people ask " is there anything I can do for you" with the implication they are very generous to make themselves feel better. Next time someone asks you that tell them you need money and watch just how quickly their above question was B.S.

When people say " can you itch my back". No, but I can scratch your back to help with your itch- see my point.

When I go to someones home and they think it is ok with me that their dog is humping my leg.
When people say " Can I be honest with you"? You always know their honesty is gonna piss you off or make you feel insecure.

when someone says " I need to talk to you" always know your heart is about to be broken.

It annoys me when people sing to a song and they really don't know the words, they just make up crap as they go along.

It annoys me when people say "Is there anything I can do? And when you say yes and state your suggestion, they say I'm sorry, but that's against our policy. Well don't say if there's "anything" you can do when your realm of power is limited.

It also annoys me when people don't obey right of way laws at stop signs. Slow drivers in the fast lane.

I also get annoyed if I have a passenger in the car and when I get a phone call, they turn the radio up. Like excuse you, I'm on the phone.

I don't like people who take an excessive amount of time at a ATM machine, have consideration for others.

Kenya from the Real Housewives of Atlanta- I mean have you seen the show? she just goes on and on and on about Walter and about how beautiful and fabulous she thinks that she is when she's really not.

People who think they are better than other people- Just because they have a nicer house, car etc.

People who brag too much about their lives.-Self explanatory.

Drivers who don't watch what they're doing on the road- Talking on their cell phone, texting while driving, not stopping at stop signs not watching out for the other person.

People who could really care less about what you have to say.

People who ignore you when your trying to talk to them.

People who flip you off or just made a rude or aggravating comment.

People who don't know when to just shut up.

Spongebob Squarepants laugh- I like Sandy, Squidward and Mr. Krabs because they're funny.

People who are too judgmental of others.

People who bash religion.- I mean c'mon really I didn't say you had to agree with me, keep your opinions to yourself on that one.

People who make plans with just the two of you and bring extra people with them without you knowing it.

Stupid people who ruin a good thing for many.

When people call you, but you can't get to the phone on time so yo call them back, but they don't answer. Like wtf you just called me?

When someone leaves the milk almost empty and doesn't bother to finish it off. Or somebody who eats everything from a box but just leaves it their instead of throwing it out.

When I go to bed early, to get rested for tomorrow, but can't fall asleep.

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