Ooh, let me unfurl the list.
IMVU first.
-People talking shit to me in my own rooms.
-Drama with rp families where you, an innocent bystander who could give a mouse fart in a windstorm less, get dragged into and badgered to pick sides, and, when you rightfully refuse to be party to the stupid debacle, are then harassed by 'hired assassins' for months afterwards.
-People who come into RP rooms, marked clearly as RP rooms, and pretend that 'hi' is an entrance or constitutes RP in any way.
-People who throw shitfits when you call them out on their behaviour.
-People who beg for shit.
-People who can't freaking type, or types like they're 'gangsta' or something.
-Those obnoxious spam accounts that come in, spam your room with links to skeezy scam sites, and then leave.
-Intolerant, bigoted assholes.
-On the other end of that spectrum, people who get offended if you so much as breathe wrong [I call this the tumblr crowd because you can usually ask them how long they've been on tumblr, only to get the baffled 'how did you know I had one' reaction]
In General
-People who think it's cool to disrespect you in your own home
-Dumb people-- and I mean, you can't give them simple instructions comprised of words with no more than two syllables and expect them to get it, or people who repeatedly fuck up the simplest shit
-Getting dragged into teenage effing drama-- newsflash, kiddies, I don't care about your drama, I have an adult life to attend to and your high school crap is neither new nor interesting
-People who ask you for advice, and then proceed to blatantly ignore your advice whilst continuing to bemoan the troubles they asked for advice on in the first place.
-Those smug shits that like to rub their wealth or material possessions in everyone's faces [I know a guy older than me that routinely does this, should have grown out of it in grade school]
-Slow walkers who will not get out of your way so you can get where you are going sometime before the heat death of the universe
-Intolerant douche canoes
-People that try to walk on me and are so offended when I stop that shit at the door
I'm going to cut it off here, way too long.