Pirates Vs Ninjas

Don Von Alpha Dom
by Don Von Alpha Dom · 357 posts
16 years ago in Social Games

Pirates Vs Ninjas

Pirates 33%
Ninjas 67%
Posted 13 years ago
Actually.Fuck it.
I'm going with Pirates.I Love PotC!

Edit : But..Umm.I don't agree on Weapons.
Anyone that has seen Ninja Assassin will
know Ninja's are the Ultimate Fighters.
Posted 13 years ago
And here Rain proves again how loyal he is? xD
Posted 13 years ago
-Happy face- :D
Posted 13 years ago
According to me Ninja games are always better.
Because of the enthusiastic Ninja moves.
Posted 13 years ago
Pirates, 'cause we're on boats.
Posted 13 years ago
Pirates get the booty!
Posted 13 years ago
Haha. I think in a realistic sense...It would depend on the situations. Ninja's aren't exactly open war types. They're the types that wait till you're asleep and slit your throat. In a traditional sense, in an open field battle, Pirates would probably win due to having higher technology that can kill multiple people a shot (Explosives and cannons for example). and overall more modern weaponry (Guns, cannons, explosives, and so on). It's a hard decision to make. Unfortunately, in real life, Ninja's 'abilities' are greatly exaggerated due to the influence of anime and overall mythical stories. They don't have magical powers that can cause them to teleport and stuff like that. So, I think it'd go as thus... If ninjas struck first... odds are they'd win. Since they'd sneak onto the ships and kill everyone when they were sleeping. And those that DID wake up... wouldn't have a chance to fight back too much. In an open battle however, pirates would win.
Posted 13 years ago
Pirates again, 'cause we got trackers, torrents and magnet URLs and the ability to keep 26-year-old software alive for literally forever.

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