When I'm bored I...

by xXiiCrazehMonstahXx · 66 posts
14 years ago in Social Games
Posted 13 years ago
I fuck when I am bored, that is why I am never bored as fuck. ^^
Posted 13 years ago
I cause havoic =P
I destory things :D
I code :D
I do art :D
I talk too my gf :D
I harass Don =P
I harass C-Digg :D
Posted 13 years ago
When I'm bored I go on my ps3 and shoot some people, watch a dvd I've seen millions of times and still be bored, go on IMVU and get depressed, read a book and fall asleep loosing my page, or sit and stare out my window as it rains, wondering if there's more to life. :|
Posted 13 years ago
When I'm bored I ... go on IMVU just to see who I can irritate with my presence. :lol:
Posted 13 years ago
when I'm bored , I start looking for some horror moviies , if I don't fiind , I go play video games on my X box , if I find that boring , I play pools , or , listen to muuusic and then start writing soem shit song XD that's boring too sometimes , so I start drawin if nothing of what I write bellow change my mood , I take my Ipod n rollers and then go out playing around lol

that's it :p
Posted 13 years ago
I dev when I am bored.
Posted 12 years ago
I read a book or nap when I am bored.
Posted 12 years ago
When I'm bored...I apparently STILL go on IMVU to irritate people. LOL
Posted 12 years ago
Most of the time when Im bored I play with my dogs <3 Rottweilers <3
Posted 12 years ago
When I'm bored I start complaining :lol:

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