the CTRL + V Game

by Reimei · 79 posts
14 years ago in Social Games
Posted 11 years ago
Nyoko Reira wrote:
I wonder, from reading these posts, how many people secretly go find something uber "cool" to copy and pretend to have been doing something related to said uber "cool" topic :badgrin:

Last thing I copied was: A9jrgjhi4Hlvf94

A temporary password given by a site I forgot my password to. Who actually remembers those things?

I never thought about that, but yeah ... these pastes are like little windows into some else's life.

In my clip board, my computer was holding some text for a word censoring code I was writing:
awkwardly placed
Posted 11 years ago
EneaTheTroll wrote:
Yes but my friend would get very old
Do you want to fuck/get fucked by a horse :D?

Uhhh...Don't ask..
Posted 11 years ago
Its been 6 years, I first met you when I took that summer job at the mall. You were beautiful, you soft tan skin, long thick wavy black hair, those glistening dark brown eyes, that gorgeous smile you always had on your face. We were young and inexperienced. You had me wrapped around your finger, and you knew it. That summer we spent some time together, but it all just poof'd when we had to start sophomore year of high school. You left to a private catholic school, I ended in katy. We lost touch completely after that. I fell in love with you that summer, and its been 6 years now.. and for some reason I'm still madly in love with you. Now, I drive for a living for a small company, and every now and then whenever I'm near by your house, I'm tempted to knock at your door and expect you to be there waiting at the door... but then I remember, It's been 6 years so I don't and just keep going about my job..
Posted 10 years ago

The file I was looking for earlier xD

-Hope you don't mind the bump people, just thought this game was amusing ^_^-

Posted 10 years ago
R -- My name is Richard and my wife's name is Rachel, we live in Russia, and we sell Rumpelstiltskin dwarf garden statues.

I copied my previous post in a thread, so I can just edit out the names and replace them with new names starting with the new letter... :)

No worries, I think nobody will mind. This is a cool game, AttachedToTheC4.
Posted 10 years ago
"4 = Destiny shows yes."

From the Magic 8-Ball game. Was too tired to just remember it and manually type it out. LOL
Posted 10 years ago
"buongiorno, buon amante"

I was in IMVU game/app this morning. Somebody sent me the above message. I didn't know what the heck it meant. I had to copy & paste the message to Google Translate; now, I know... smiles.
Posted 10 years ago
I was on skype with a friend from IMVU, trying to work on a project so we were both doing a lot of copy and paste of links and such to each other, trying to get things the way we wanted it.
Posted 10 years ago

I was looking up a Dev
Posted 10 years ago
I reposted the posting for the party to bump the thread and didn't feel like retyping the whole post.

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