The person below me...

King Falcon
by King Falcon · 1730 posts
15 years ago in Social Games
Posted 14 years ago

The person below me thinks I post too much
Posted 14 years ago
no ! false :)

The person below me love the rain?
Posted 14 years ago

The person below me thinks I am bad
Posted 14 years ago

thats true :?

The person below me is romantic?
Posted 14 years ago
Some times e_e

The person below me is a capo
Posted 14 years ago
true :-"

The person below me is emo ?
Posted 14 years ago

The person below me gets excited easily
Posted 14 years ago
oh... maybe :oops: :oops:

The person below me hate silly girls?
Posted 14 years ago
Some times

The person below me likes getting evil
Posted 14 years ago
Lets start a game like this, you ask a question to the person who will post below you, but you can only answer with true or false, after that you ask the person below you another question.
:lol: :roll:

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