Would You Rather?

by AznPuff · 146 posts
10 years ago in Social Games
Posted 9 years ago
Its Lucy Ponder not Pinder.
Posted 9 years ago
Copter I guess

Would rather be someone who is poor but happy in life or rich but very unhappy in so many ways?
Posted 9 years ago
Rich! I can cry in my nice new Ferrari!!

Would you rather Lucy Ponder or Lucy Pinder?
Posted 9 years ago
End hatred~

Would you rather delete Christmas or delete birthdays
Posted 9 years ago
Delete birthdays, so I'll never age ;D

Would you rather always take a cold shower or sleep an hour less than you need to be fully rested?
Posted 9 years ago
Cold showers.

Would you rather never play games again or never use the internet again?
Posted 9 years ago
Never play games again

Would you rather be mortal or immortal?
Posted 9 years ago · Author
Mortal if I find and can be with the person I love deeply. Immortality doesn't sound good if the world ends and you're the only individual left to your own devices, not knowing how to rebuild things like machinery and going crazy in the solitude.(Thought too much in to it)

Would you rather be known as a unhygienic person(nothing can cover it up or fix it) or person that always gets too close to other people's personal space?
Posted 9 years ago
person that always gets too close to other people's personal space

Would you rather be forced to wear wet socks for the rest of your life, or be allowed to wash your hair only once a year?

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