The person below me...

King Falcon
by King Falcon · 1730 posts
15 years ago in Social Games
Posted 14 years ago
Not really

the next person loves cake like i do!!! :D
Posted 14 years ago
I dont really like cake, but they can be good at sometimes, like at birthday parties... but then if you eat too much... you get a stomach ache... :(
The next person likes candy??
Posted 14 years ago

The next person is crazy, insane and mad? :D
Posted 14 years ago
Oh yeah... im mad, insane AND CRAZY!!!!! :)
the next person is addicted 2 redbull, chocolate, and evilness??
Posted 14 years ago
Of course. Lol. I am evil, addicted to rebull, and chocolate.

The next person is Crazeh?
Posted 14 years ago
Yesh, a little.

The next person does not like to bath.
Posted 14 years ago
False. I love water more than everything <3
[My name Deniz means 'water' ; my zodiacal sign is water; etc]
The next person has 17years?
Posted 14 years ago
Well... <o<Yeah>o>

The next person is a girl? O.o
Posted 14 years ago

The next person likes to walk in the sand.
Posted 14 years ago
Yeah, bare footed, unless there are rocks.

The next person loves to go to the beach.

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