Good novel I found

by jojosweeet · 5 posts
1 month ago in Graphics Design
Posted 1 month ago · Author
The interaction between Afsar and Dajas begins with childlike innocence.. playing in a space where words are unnecessary. just glances and shared joy. I like this.
Tbh i am new to novels these days.. They are driving me into imagination..
Posted 2 weeks ago

Novels are good and it's a good habit to read.i had like to know what novel you had read so i can try to find it and read it myself.

-- Sun Feb 09, 2025 11:15 am --


Novels are good and it's a good habit to read.i had like to know what novel you had read so i can try to find it and read it myself.
Posted 2 weeks ago
Novels are good to read.its nice to hear people like read novels.novels are enriching and they are intresting.i see that you like the novel you had read keep reading more there are more intresting novels to read out there so keep searching and reading more intresting novels.and keep suggesting more novels to we can read it too and enjoy what you have enjoyed on.thank you.
Posted 6 days ago
i read a ton of novels.since im more of a horror genre freak my favorite author is stephen book ever IT for the adventure/fantasy fans try LORD OF THE RINGS by Tolkien

-- Sat Feb 22, 2025 8:28 am --

another novel tha is A MUST i just finished it and im obsessed :
When Nietzsche Wept is a 1992 novel by Irvin D. Yalom, Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry at Stanford University, an existentialist, and psychotherapist. The book takes place mostly in Vienna, Austria, in the year 1882, and relates a fictional meeting between the doctor Josef Breuer and the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. The novel is a review of the history of philosophy and psychoanalysis and some of the main personalities of the last decades of the 19th century, and revolves around the topic of "limerence".

Lou Salomé, who was involved with Friedrich Nietzsche, has written a letter stating that the future of the philosophy of Germany is at stake and that Nietzsche needs help desperately. The plot develops into a therapy in which Doctor Josef Breuer needs to have his soul treated to help him get over a patient whom he treated for hysteria and with whom he has fallen in love, while Nietzsche needs help with his migraines. Influenced by the revolutionary ideas of his young disciple Sigmund Freud, Josef Breuer starts the dangerous strategy that will become the origin of psychoanalysis. Thanks to their unusual relation, both of them will see how their perspective of life changes completely. The story also explains how Friedrich Nietzsche received the inspiration to write his famous book, Thus Spoke Zarathustra.
Posted 4 days ago
I was starting to read a novel some time ago i rarely read something after the uni lol, Called "Herzog"

Herzog is a 1964 novel by Saul Bellow, composed in part of letters from the protagonist Moses E. Herzog

The novel follows five days in the life of cultural history professor Moses E. "Herzog" , who at the age of 47 is having a midlife crisis and burnout following the divorce from his second unfaithful wife. He has two children, one by each wife, and is in a relationship with a really cute woman, Ramona

Herzog spends much of his time both on intense and often hilarious intellectual reflection and mentally writing letters he never sends. These letters are aimed at friends, family members, and famous figures, including historical recipients who are dead or whom he never knew. The one common thread is that Herzog is always expressing disappointment, either his own in the failings of others or their words, or apologizing for the way he has disappointed others
at almost i read the 80% of the book so maybe one day i will start reading it again

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