IMVU Program - Parent Product Editor

by DataMine · 52 posts
10 years ago in Mafia Tools
Posted 10 years ago · Author
This program will allow you to change the parent product id of a product. Simply drag a chkn file onto it, type in a new pid and click the button. It couldn't be any easier!



1. Drag your CHKN file onto the box that says "drag and drop CHKN file here"

If the program finds an existing parent pid inside the CHKN file, it will tell you what it is. If it doesn't find one, it will tell you that too.

2. Type a new parent pid into the text box. In most situations, you'll want to use an IMVU product PID. Here is a list of them:

Female Top: 167
Female Bottom: 171
Female Shoes: 11956
Female Hair: 10866
Female Head: 59412
Female Skin: 252
Female Eyes: 148
Female Accessory: 682

Male Top: 217
Male Bottom: 188
Male Shoes: 181
Male Hair: 11456
Male Head: 59087
Male Skin: 263
Male Eyes: 609
Male Accessory: 669

Room: 10860
Furniture (floor): 12908
Furniture (wall): 12906

Empty female clothing: 2191901
Empty male clothing: 9911131

(NOTE: You want the parent PID to be the same type as the one you're editing. For example: a furniture floor PID for a chair/couch)

3. Click the button that says "Edit Parent Product"

If the product has a parent product PID, it will then be changed. If it does not have a parent product PID, the program will attempt to create one with the PID you chose in which case it will tell you if it finishes successfully or fails.

Posted 10 years ago · Author
xhynrae wrote:
Does this mean you circumvent having to pay submission fee again?

You could use it for that and I'm sure some people will. I made it for people working with UFI products though.
Posted 9 years ago
xhynrae wrote:
D.M....Since override button is gone from CM, can this be used in place of?

I doubt it. The override button replaced the pid. This just replaces the parent pid.

To give people an idea of what I use this for, I use it to turn a room into furniture. This allows me to sell UFI rooms as addon's to any existing room, instead of as rooms.
Posted 9 years ago
Don Von Alpha Dom wrote:
xhynrae wrote:D.M....Since override button is gone from CM, can this be used in place of?

I doubt it. The override button replaced the pid. This just replaces the parent pid.To give people an idea of what I use this for, I use it to turn a room into furniture. This allows me to sell UFI rooms as addon's to any existing room, instead of as rooms.

I like your idea of turning a room into a furniture...Thank you so much DM...thank you Don..You both are awesome.
Posted 8 years ago
great product and one hell of a idea
Posted 7 years ago
To roll over a possibly dead horse. I like to change a room from being a room into a furniture. Given that I derive from the original room and then change the parent.
Can I perform this without having to get somehow access to mesh?
the product in question is the cliff top castle, which I like to add into a larger scene, but as said just as an add on

I asked the original creator for his assistance but do not expect any response at all
Posted 7 years ago
Corell wrote:
To roll over a possibly dead horse. I like to change a room from being a room into a furniture. Given that I derive from the original room and then change the parent.Can I perform this without having to get somehow access to mesh?

Nope. If you change the parent product ID, that will break the derive chain and the product will loose access to the parent's resources.
Posted 7 years ago
I See. In short the result would be the Same way. Either change the parent and repair or add the mesh to IT. Or Start a new furniture and add the mesh to IT.

I will ask the original creator again, maybe He likes the idea of turning it into furniture.

Thanks for the response

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