Room furniture that appears for the mobile phone and does no

by pahr · 11 posts
1 year ago in Mafia Tools
Posted 1 year ago · Author
There are many products for the phone only, and they are hidden for those who use the computer, and it is not possible to obtain even a link to them, and it is also possible that they are black market products that I see in many rooms, but I do not get a link to them
Posted 1 year ago
pahr wrote:
There are many products for the phone only, and they are hidden for those who use the computer, and it is not possible to obtain even a link to them, and it is also possible that they are black market products that I see in many rooms, but I do not get a link to them


How are you trying to get a link to them?
Posted 1 year ago · Author
@Don Von Alpha Dom


View products in this scene

copy and paste in in Hidden Outfit Viewer
Posted 1 year ago
@pahr allows users to block their products ... you'll never see all of the links using their site. It has nothing to do with how the products are made. It is people paying off to hide their shit.

If you want to view all of the products in a room:
Clear your cache.
Enter the room.
Then use cache2pid to view which products are in the room: viewtopic.php?f=179&t=9290&hilit=scene
Toss the PID's into MRP and open their chkns in create mode: buysell/product.php?product_id=1443
Posted 1 year ago · Author
yea I did that and used cache2pid every step, but it brings me too many products and I'm searching for them so far
Posted 1 year ago
@Don Von Alpha Dom

Don Von Alpha Dom wrote:
@DataMineDidn't you make a desktop version of the Products In Scene hidden product revealer?

@Don Von Alpha Dom

I was working on one at one point but lost the motivation and time to continue it. Eventually I ended up making a hidden product revealer for myself I could run in the console. Don't remember if it works or not but here's the code:

let url = window.location.href;

if(url.includes("products_in_scene.php")) {
   //replace the url encoding
   url = url.replaceAll("%3B", ";");

   const roomPids = getPidsInUrl(url);

   let visiblePids = getPidsDisplayedOnPage();
   let hiddenPids = [];

   if(visiblePids.length > 0) {
      roomPids.forEach((pid) => {
         if(!visiblePids.includes(pid)) {


function displayPids(pids) {
   let output = "";

   if(pids.length) {
      output += "Hidden Pids:";
      output += "\n";
      output += pids.join("\r\n");
   } else {
      output += "No hidden pids found";


 * Returns an array of pids from the links on the page.
 * @param {string} pisUrl The products in scene url.
 * @return {array} pids formatted.
function getPidsDisplayedOnPage() {
   let links = document.querySelectorAll(".thumbnail-link");
   let visiblePids = [];

   if(links.length > 0) {
      links.forEach((link) => {
         //strip array the irrelevant data leaving the pid behind
         let pid = link.href.split("products_id=")[1];

         if(pid) {

   return visiblePids;

 * Returns an array of pids from the url.
 * @param {string} pisUrl The products in scene url.
 * @return {array} pids formatted.
function getPidsInUrl(pisUrl) {
   let pids = pisUrl.split('?')[1];

   if (pids.startsWith("room=")) {
      pids = pisUrl.split('&avatar')[0];
      pids = pids.replace("", "");
      pids = pids.split(';');
   } else if (pids.startsWith("avatar")) {
      let urlParts = pids.split('&');
      for (i = 0; i < urlParts.length; ++i) {
         if(urlParts[i].startsWith("room=")) {
            pids = urlParts[i];
      pids = pids.replace("room=", "");
      pids = pids.split(';');

   return cleanPids(pids);

 * Returns an array of pids with the counter removed.
 * @param {array} pids The products in scene url.
 * @return {array} pids without the x counter.
function cleanPids(dirtyPids) {
   let buffer = [];

   for (i = 0; i < dirtyPids.length; ++i) {
      let cleanPid = dirtyPids[i];
      if(cleanPid.includes("x")) {
         cleanPid = cleanPid.split('x')[0];

   return buffer;
Posted 1 year ago
Thank you very much
Posted 1 year ago

Open the developer tools in your browser by pressing F12, then select the console tab and paste in the code. You have to be on a products in scene page for it to work though.

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