text language - Acronyms / slang

by Pitbullover · 2 posts
8 months ago in Off Topic Tools
Posted 8 months ago · Author
text language from a 25 year old and what i use to get around people looking at my messages

lol - laugh out loud
tyt - take your time
tyvm - thank you very much
ty - thank you
yw - your welcome
smh - shake my head
lmao - laughing my ass off
omg- oh my god
idk- i dont know
btw - by the way
imho- In my humble opinion
ASAP – as soon as possible
CUL8R – see you later
FWIW – for what it’s worth
FYI – for your information
jk- just kidding
l8R- later
lmk- le me know
np -
no problem
omw - on my way
plz - please
rotfl - rolling on the floor laughing
thx - thanks
TMI – too much information
WB – welcome back
AFAIK – as far as I know
B4N – bye for now
BBL – be back later
BBS – be back soon
CU – see you
CYT – see you tomorrow
F2F – face to face
G2G – got to go
HAND – have a nice day
IC – I see
IDC – I don’t care
IRL – in real life
J/K – just kidding
KISS – keep it simple stupid
L8 – Late
NRN – no reply necessary
OIC – Oh, I see
PM – private message
POS – parent over shoulder
W/ – with
d8 - date
f8 - fate
gf - girlfriend
m8 - mate
sis- sister
br - brother
hru- how are you
ltns - long time no see
ruok - are you ok?
u4e - you forever
x - kisses
o -hugs
gg - good game
icymi - in case you missed it
bff - best friends for ever
bf - forfriend
hbd - happy birthday day
nvm - never mind
fomo - fear of missing out
potd - post of the day
hmb - hit me back
ttyn - talk to you never
ttys - talk to you soon
Posted 8 months ago
I legit ignore messages or people who use too many of these. It drives me insane feeling like I'm talking with a child.

also POS means something else for anyone born before 1990. haha!

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