The AP+ is near or far from us

by Kleixx · 19 posts
4 months ago in IMVU Lounge
Posted 4 months ago · Author
When do you think that imvu ap+ will be available? I feel like they are doing all this advertising and "access form" so that we can talk more about imvu, but at the same time I feel that this is going to take a long time to implement, because it was not even seen something in light of that first form for creators, which invited them to participate in the creation of the products, I feel that if they had already given access to these creators, somewhere something of what is coming from that ap+ should have been spoiled, That's why I say that for me it is advertising so that they talk and are crazy about this new ap and they just release it in beta in a year or something like that, what do you think?

-- Wed Jul 31, 2024 11:57 pm --

I say advertising, because on my imvu instagram, there are already people making videos saying what imvu is practically going to bring, but it's all their idea, nothing official, or they send you to fill out the form giving hope to the users, but everything makes me strange
Posted 4 months ago
probably not for a while...i mean they already have people signing up for the waitlist for it so who knows how long it's gonna take. not only that but also how much is it gonna cost? regular ap is $20/20k credits...i hope can we ap+ with credits too...
Posted 4 months ago

I met someone today who already has it. He showed me the dicks it gives you. They look more realistic and bigger than what normal AP gives you, but they still do not get hard and are not as real / realistic as what the black market currently offers. AP+ is still young though. It will take a couple of years for it to catch up with the black market's quality of products ... assuming IMVU let's it.
Posted 4 months ago
I signed up for the waitlist because I'm curious to see what it has to offer. It probably won't be as detailed as BM products but I'm interested in seeing what it can do.
Posted 4 months ago · Author

From what I read somewhere, I don't remember where, you just had to have the AP and the age verified with that and the form ready, the day they would deliver it to you, they would send you something by email, but we'll see how it goes...

@Don Von Alpha Dom

ooo, and I thought it was all a promotion and that it would only be available after a few months, but it sounds incredible that they have already given it to someone... can't you show that here or on the discord server? And well, from what you say, the black market could remain active for a while longer hehe


Yes, I am eager to see if the black market store will last or not, since it is a good source of income.


I think that if it will be that way, they will not charge us a surcharge for this boosting, only that we have our accounts with our real data and the AP and age purchased with their respective documentation.
Posted 4 months ago

that would be nice...but yeah it's probably unlikely...i kinda have a feeling that they might charge more for it when it comes out.

@Don Von Alpha Dom

awwh sucks that it doesn't hard :( but at least it's a bit more realistic and bigger so that's something. so i guess the market will continue to thrive!
Posted 4 months ago

well it mentions age verified so im guessing only those who have verified their age can get it?
Posted 4 months ago
i think its there way for us to buy are AP all over again. they couldnt get away with a monthly deal so im thinking it will be a one time charged upgrade im thinking between 20 to 30 or so bucks if 10% of the folks on imvu said yes to it theres be a huge cash windfall for imvu. probally to be used to finaly fill the gaping hole in there wallet. the make brent shut up and go away project they did awhile back

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