Try on Hidden Product

by Xhynrae · 22 posts
10 years ago in IMVU Lounge
Posted 9 years ago
blueDay wrote:
Am I doing this the wrong way? Has the product been deactivated or something? Is there a way to check that?

What is the pid?

blueDay wrote:
Actually, I don't really understand what these hidden products are for. Is there a page somewhere that explains what they are about in imvu? thanx!!

A hidden product normally means 1 of 2 things: Either the developer has made the product invisible for some reason or IMVU has deemed the product unfit for their service and have disabled it.
Posted 9 years ago
that's puzzling, but thanx for checking it out!

for getting the hidden product's information, is there another web api? /product.php?products_id=PID doesn't work, of course
Posted 9 years ago
blueDay wrote:
that's puzzling, but thanx for checking it out!

for getting the hidden product's information, is there another web api? /product.php?products_id=PID doesn't work, of course

The apis do not return data on disabled products anymore.
Posted 9 years ago
ok, i was wondering if maybe that's how their site works -- some kind of database storage of products there -- but, i just saw the hidden product load a few days ago, and then I could not get any info on it. So it has worked very recently, or maybe can even still load in edit mode(?)

is it possible that the product was disabled, but the other person still had it in their cache, and then imvu would load it to my comp, even if the product was "officially" disabled in the catalog?

i think i have read of ppl who had products still working after they got disabled in the catalog, but only under some particular conditions

some loophole here?

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