Wear 300 Free Items without buying them

Don Von Alpha Dom
by Don Von Alpha Dom · 671 posts
17 years ago in IMVU Lounge
Posted 16 years ago
what is the code to turn my avator back in to a female
Posted 15 years ago

the codes are wicked been usin them ages

*feelz bad for not thanking mr Don b4 now*

but i also gotta say

Mr Don u gotz the patients of a saint :D
Posted 15 years ago
thats because things to happen quickly around here anymore...
Posted 15 years ago

watz shall we do to speed thingz up again ^^
Posted 15 years ago · Author
I am working on that, with war going on, I am communicating with other mafias who have the same enemy as us. We are making lots of new allies and friends who can help us out after the war. With the army disbaning after the war, we will have more forcus on the rest of the bord, and all of our hackers can go back to the labs making new ways to get free credits.
Posted 15 years ago
:twisted: as i said b4 its the holidays... i'm not even active in me own fam :lol: :twisted: but ah the war... its like me trying to balance it... you know, kill some one here do a lil there, be wit me loving wife then kill a lil there again... damn... i wonder where is tony?
Posted 15 years ago
@ Mr Don : KK

@ Mr Shatta: U 1 buzy man..... Geeez, how does ur wife put up wit u? U must b givin her sumtin good :lol:

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