Posted 11 years ago
Posted 10 years ago
DaFunk wrote:some one should make a list of all the *use codes cause I remember a long time back I was putting in random ones and it gave me a pink panther costume.. I forget what number it was though sadly
We have one here: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1721
and here: viewtopic.php?f=140&t=10
Posted 10 years ago
my list
o Adios
o Ag (contributed by BCPhantom)
o Airguitar
o Bad (contributed by Deloresa)
o Backflip
o Bd
o Beso (contributed by MariaGBatista) (New 2/2)
o Bigyawn
o Bisou (contributed by Jaina)
o Blink (Hard to distinguish from a regular blink.)
o Bonjour (contributed by jeffdeadwater)
o Burp
o Bye (also byebye)
o Candlestick (contributed by TatsuChi and bebegurl411)
o Choke (contributed by TitaScorpio)
o Ciao
o Clap
o Comeagain?
o Coocoo (contributed by KlawzBat; or "cookoo" - contributed by Guest_Lildiot)
o Coy
o Crazy (also CR - contributed by Guest_AmericanAngelOfLove)
o Cry
o Cuckoo (contributed by KlawzBat)
o Cya
o Fatigue (contributed by Weasho) (New 2/2)
o FlyingLotus (or 2111 - contributed by Weasho) (New 2/2)
o Flip
o Freeze (contributed by Guest_AmericanAngelOfLove)
o Gag
o Good
o Greetings (contributed by miyadorei)
o Gross (contributed by Guest_SereneFantasy)
o Grr (also grrr) (contributed by bsubassbone)
o Guitar (contributed by Guest_anna4luv)
o Ha (also haha)
o Har (contributed by KlawzBat)
o Headnod (contributed by KlawzBat)
o Heh (contributed by bsubassbone)
o Hello (contributed by miyadorei)
o Hellyeah (contributed by KlawzBat)
o Hi (contributed by Guest_MariaGBatista)
o Hiya
o Hola (contributed by Guest_MariaGBatista)
o Hole (contributed by Guest_AmericanAngelOfLove)
o Howzit (also Howzit?, both contributed by zell298)
o Hm (also hmm and hmmm)
o Huh
o K (contributed by Guest_AmericanAngelOfLove)
o II (double i's)
o Ja (contributed by Weasho) (New 2/2)
o Jump (Contributed by Guest_Infern6. Now works with female avatars too. Update by Macbeth84 (Updated 2/1))
o Kek (contributed by DamonRedl)
o Kick
o Kiss
o Kisshold (contributed by Guest_Dontlike123)
o Kisssilly (contributed by Kev84)
o Latah
o Later (contributed by TitaScorpio)
o Leap
o Langue (contributed by Weasho) (New 2/2)
o Langue2 (contributed by Weasho) (New 2/2)
o Lengua (contributed by LAT1NLOV3R)
o Lengua2 (contributed by LAT1NLOV3R)
o Loco (contributed by Token224)
o Loser (or just the letter "L" - contributed by FireeBabe ,
or "(L)" - contributed by Guest_Infern6)
o Lotus (contributed by HisMelody) (New 2/2)
o Mad
o MCG (contributed by SqueakerBubbles)
o MCGPose (contributed by Weasho) (New 2/2)
o MDR (contributed by Jaina)
o Nah
o Nein (contributed by Weasho) (New 2/2)
o No (also N - contributed by Nympheas)
o Non (contributed by jeffdeadwater)
o Nope
o Nod
o 'O' (contributed by Guest_x0xSweetKisses)
o Ok (also okay)
o Omfg
o Omg
o Ooo (also oooo and ooooo)
o Oooh
o Oui (contributed by jeffdeadwater)
o Peace
o Pissed (contributed by Guest_Azure91)
o Pist (contributed by zell298)
o Puke
o Quoi (contributed by jeffdeadwater)
o Que (contributed by jeffdeadwater)
o Question (contributed by Weasho) (New 2/2)
o Riff (contributed by zell298)
o Right
o Rocker
o Rofl
o Score
o Sexy
o Sexy2
o Shocked
o Shocking (contributed by KlawzBat)
o Sick (contributed by Serephine)
o Sleep
o Smile
o Soirire (or Sourire - contributed by Weasho) (New 2/2)
o Sup (contributed by Guest_gazz007, or "Sup?" contributed by 9block)
o Sure (contributed by TitaScorpio)
o Talktothehand (contributed by AsidRayne)
o Tata
o Thumbsdown
o Thumbsup
o Tired
o Tongue
o Tongue2 (contributed by Sw33tNshy1)
o Tth (contributed by AsidRayne)
o Ttyl
o Tung (contributed by Guest_Ezmoney45)
o Tung2 (contributed by Guest_Ezmoney45)
o Vomit
o Wanna? (contributed by Rob78)
o Wassamatta
o Wave (also /wave - contributed by Guest_gazz007)
o What (also What? - contributed by Guest_seabirdss)
o Whatever
o When (contributed by Guest_Luana325i;
also When? - contributed by Guest_seabirdss)
o Where (also Where? - contributed by Weasho) (New 2/2)
o Who (contributed by Jenna;
also Who? - contributed by Guest_seabirdss)
o Woohoo (contributed by Guest_Luana325i)
o Why (also Why? - contributed by Guest_seabirdss)
o Wink
o Wrong
o Yahoo (contributed by Airrica)
o Yak (contributed by KlawzBat)
o Yawn
o Yay
o Yea (contributed by Guest_AmericanAngelOfLove)
o Yeah
o Yep (contributed by babydoll121289)
o Yes (also Y - contributed by Nympheas)
o Yippee (contributed by Guest_bubulala)
o Yo (contributed by Guest_Alledielle)
o Yt? (contributed by KlawzBat)
o Yup (contributed by Guest_luminona)
o zz (also zzz. Also, z - contributed by Guest_AlishaJensen06)
o -o-
o (contributed by Deloresa)
o (contributed by Deloresa)
o ;^) (contributed by Guest_raluca22)
o ;} (contributed by Guest_Ezmoney45)
o :*
o ~ (contributed by bryce6)
o :*( (contributed by Guest_Luana325i)
o :** (contributed by Cigahy)
o :*** (contributed by Snubs)
o >:( or >:-(
o |( (the first character is shift plus "")
o || (each character is shift plus "", contributed by Guest_emogirl777)
o :-S (contributed by Guest_Mezzanine)
o > (contributed by nicekat)
o 8o (contributed by KlawzBat)
o 8p (contributed by Guest_Suductive3692)
o 8* (contributed by Guest_GhettoMami540)
o 8( (contributed by Guest_GhettoMami540)
o 8>* (contributed by Guest_Lildiot)
o %( (contributed by SexyBlenko)
o ?f (contributed by KlawzBat)
o ?h (contributed by Snubs)
o ?t (contributed by KlawzBat)
o *use 2111 (contributed by buffy1996)
o *HiResSnap (contributed by Bebi1st). Takes a hi-res picture of the scene and puts it on your desktop. (New 2/5)
o *HiResNoBg (contributed by AimiHanaYuzuki). Takes a hi-res picture without the background and puts it on your desktop. (New 2/5)
o *saveOutfit (Removed in client version 452.0. In the "Dress Up" or "My Room" window, click on the Outfit symbol (a gold hanger) at the bottom of the window, then click on the Save Outfit button. (Update 2/1!))
o Adios
o Ag (contributed by BCPhantom)
o Airguitar
o Bad (contributed by Deloresa)
o Backflip
o Bd
o Beso (contributed by MariaGBatista) (New 2/2)
o Bigyawn
o Bisou (contributed by Jaina)
o Blink (Hard to distinguish from a regular blink.)
o Bonjour (contributed by jeffdeadwater)
o Burp
o Bye (also byebye)
o Candlestick (contributed by TatsuChi and bebegurl411)
o Choke (contributed by TitaScorpio)
o Ciao
o Clap
o Comeagain?
o Coocoo (contributed by KlawzBat; or "cookoo" - contributed by Guest_Lildiot)
o Coy
o Crazy (also CR - contributed by Guest_AmericanAngelOfLove)
o Cry
o Cuckoo (contributed by KlawzBat)
o Cya
o Fatigue (contributed by Weasho) (New 2/2)
o FlyingLotus (or 2111 - contributed by Weasho) (New 2/2)
o Flip
o Freeze (contributed by Guest_AmericanAngelOfLove)
o Gag
o Good
o Greetings (contributed by miyadorei)
o Gross (contributed by Guest_SereneFantasy)
o Grr (also grrr) (contributed by bsubassbone)
o Guitar (contributed by Guest_anna4luv)
o Ha (also haha)
o Har (contributed by KlawzBat)
o Headnod (contributed by KlawzBat)
o Heh (contributed by bsubassbone)
o Hello (contributed by miyadorei)
o Hellyeah (contributed by KlawzBat)
o Hi (contributed by Guest_MariaGBatista)
o Hiya
o Hola (contributed by Guest_MariaGBatista)
o Hole (contributed by Guest_AmericanAngelOfLove)
o Howzit (also Howzit?, both contributed by zell298)
o Hm (also hmm and hmmm)
o Huh
o K (contributed by Guest_AmericanAngelOfLove)
o II (double i's)
o Ja (contributed by Weasho) (New 2/2)
o Jump (Contributed by Guest_Infern6. Now works with female avatars too. Update by Macbeth84 (Updated 2/1))
o Kek (contributed by DamonRedl)
o Kick
o Kiss
o Kisshold (contributed by Guest_Dontlike123)
o Kisssilly (contributed by Kev84)
o Latah
o Later (contributed by TitaScorpio)
o Leap
o Langue (contributed by Weasho) (New 2/2)
o Langue2 (contributed by Weasho) (New 2/2)
o Lengua (contributed by LAT1NLOV3R)
o Lengua2 (contributed by LAT1NLOV3R)
o Loco (contributed by Token224)
o Loser (or just the letter "L" - contributed by FireeBabe ,
or "(L)" - contributed by Guest_Infern6)
o Lotus (contributed by HisMelody) (New 2/2)
o Mad
o MCG (contributed by SqueakerBubbles)
o MCGPose (contributed by Weasho) (New 2/2)
o MDR (contributed by Jaina)
o Nah
o Nein (contributed by Weasho) (New 2/2)
o No (also N - contributed by Nympheas)
o Non (contributed by jeffdeadwater)
o Nope
o Nod
o 'O' (contributed by Guest_x0xSweetKisses)
o Ok (also okay)
o Omfg
o Omg
o Ooo (also oooo and ooooo)
o Oooh
o Oui (contributed by jeffdeadwater)
o Peace
o Pissed (contributed by Guest_Azure91)
o Pist (contributed by zell298)
o Puke
o Quoi (contributed by jeffdeadwater)
o Que (contributed by jeffdeadwater)
o Question (contributed by Weasho) (New 2/2)
o Riff (contributed by zell298)
o Right
o Rocker
o Rofl
o Score
o Sexy
o Sexy2
o Shocked
o Shocking (contributed by KlawzBat)
o Sick (contributed by Serephine)
o Sleep
o Smile
o Soirire (or Sourire - contributed by Weasho) (New 2/2)
o Sup (contributed by Guest_gazz007, or "Sup?" contributed by 9block)
o Sure (contributed by TitaScorpio)
o Talktothehand (contributed by AsidRayne)
o Tata
o Thumbsdown
o Thumbsup
o Tired
o Tongue
o Tongue2 (contributed by Sw33tNshy1)
o Tth (contributed by AsidRayne)
o Ttyl
o Tung (contributed by Guest_Ezmoney45)
o Tung2 (contributed by Guest_Ezmoney45)
o Vomit
o Wanna? (contributed by Rob78)
o Wassamatta
o Wave (also /wave - contributed by Guest_gazz007)
o What (also What? - contributed by Guest_seabirdss)
o Whatever
o When (contributed by Guest_Luana325i;
also When? - contributed by Guest_seabirdss)
o Where (also Where? - contributed by Weasho) (New 2/2)
o Who (contributed by Jenna;
also Who? - contributed by Guest_seabirdss)
o Woohoo (contributed by Guest_Luana325i)
o Why (also Why? - contributed by Guest_seabirdss)
o Wink
o Wrong
o Yahoo (contributed by Airrica)
o Yak (contributed by KlawzBat)
o Yawn
o Yay
o Yea (contributed by Guest_AmericanAngelOfLove)
o Yeah
o Yep (contributed by babydoll121289)
o Yes (also Y - contributed by Nympheas)
o Yippee (contributed by Guest_bubulala)
o Yo (contributed by Guest_Alledielle)
o Yt? (contributed by KlawzBat)
o Yup (contributed by Guest_luminona)
o zz (also zzz. Also, z - contributed by Guest_AlishaJensen06)
o -o-
o (contributed by Deloresa)
o (contributed by Deloresa)
o ;^) (contributed by Guest_raluca22)
o ;} (contributed by Guest_Ezmoney45)
o :*
o ~ (contributed by bryce6)
o :*( (contributed by Guest_Luana325i)
o :** (contributed by Cigahy)
o :*** (contributed by Snubs)
o >:( or >:-(
o |( (the first character is shift plus "")
o || (each character is shift plus "", contributed by Guest_emogirl777)
o :-S (contributed by Guest_Mezzanine)
o > (contributed by nicekat)
o 8o (contributed by KlawzBat)
o 8p (contributed by Guest_Suductive3692)
o 8* (contributed by Guest_GhettoMami540)
o 8( (contributed by Guest_GhettoMami540)
o 8>* (contributed by Guest_Lildiot)
o %( (contributed by SexyBlenko)
o ?f (contributed by KlawzBat)
o ?h (contributed by Snubs)
o ?t (contributed by KlawzBat)
o *use 2111 (contributed by buffy1996)
o *HiResSnap (contributed by Bebi1st). Takes a hi-res picture of the scene and puts it on your desktop. (New 2/5)
o *HiResNoBg (contributed by AimiHanaYuzuki). Takes a hi-res picture without the background and puts it on your desktop. (New 2/5)
o *saveOutfit (Removed in client version 452.0. In the "Dress Up" or "My Room" window, click on the Outfit symbol (a gold hanger) at the bottom of the window, then click on the Save Outfit button. (Update 2/1!))
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