New creator help

by CashQu33n · 4 posts
3 years ago in IMVU Lounge
Posted 3 years ago · Author
I'm new to creating. Does anyone have advice on what's easier to start with and/or which programs work best ps,procreate,blender etc I'm a big fan of procreate so open to any tips and tricks !!
Posted 3 years ago
Easiest wud be posters and cutout but if yu wanna be creative then start with clothing like shirts maybe. And as for programs anything can be used as long as you know how to make the textures, opacity maps. Maybe better would be to look for some beginner tutorials on youtube for a start to get the basic idea of creating since there are a lot of tutorials.
Posted 3 years ago
Small rooms would be really easy to create as well. Most are color by number. Each section is already outlined and color coded for you and you just add your own texture and done. Load a small room and you don't have to create it but just look at what I'm saying. Mess around with different stuff and get the hang of furniture, rooms, clothes, etc. and you don't have to submit it but just play around with it till you find what you feel comfortable with and move up from there.

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