How to deal with an IMVU Bully - Permanently

Don Von Alpha Dom
by Don Von Alpha Dom · 193 posts
15 years ago in Help & Support
Posted 9 years ago
lmaoo damn
Posted 9 years ago
Very wise advice and always topical! Thanks Don!
Posted 8 years ago
will the snarf method work if you're on multiple registered accs
Posted 8 years ago
Or you could DoS their modem and kick their ass offline :P
Posted 6 years ago
So i keep being stalked by someone on mutiple accounts. Then they crash me. They use guest accts. How can i crash.
Posted 6 years ago

Sometimes IMVu can be a bugger and crash you from a room when others enter you have to look at the KBs in the room as well as the total Kbs everyone is wearing. Another way to crash someone from a room or basically to crash the whole room is to come in with your personnal kbs over 21000 kbs. And yes this in doable as I have gone in room crashing and playing king of the room going in with everything that flashes, the rave fits are the best, all my Vbs, all the trigger songs and actions I can possibly put on without crashing myself. Then I go into a room and those with slow connections old computers will crash. make sure you have all your wings on as well as well as your effects. If you still have people in the room after you enter, hoping that you were not booted, then start doing your effects and crash out the rest of the people in the room. Once everyone is gone then you are king of the room.

But in seriousness if someone comes in and their Kbs are not high then they are using a code to crash people out. Now if it is only you crashing first thing is clear your cache, Update your computer, derag and clean disk. Because it may simply be something wrong with your side of things if you are the only one crashing in a room of people. and if you know for a fact it is the same person FLAG FLAG FLAG...Put in a ticket as well stating hat you have flagged because this person is using their alts to crash you out of rooms. It's a h4c|< and is against TOS.

ES :tlatakenote:
Posted 6 years ago
Good post, bully is a huge thing on Imvu and on the completly social media aswell. If someone bullys you, you really should have a friend with you, it just makes you feel more comfortable, and you know that someone is ''behind your back'' if anyone does it.
But lets just imagine you dont have any friends currently online, and someone in a room is really abusive to you.
First) Dont go for it, he might just try to trigger you like 60% of the imvu users try to. Just act like hes/shes not even there
Second) Report him, it will automaticly block him aswell, so he cant message you on private.
Third) Stay cool and ignore the fact that there are people with an IQ of 20 on IMVU lmao
Posted 6 years ago
Posted 6 years ago
A friend of mine witnessed a case just the other day of these ppl bullying another all because they didnt like their name.. When she brought it to my attention I confronted the ppl as i knew them al and asked why in the world would they do crap like that.. it was like a pack mentality which is vicious.. I think its wrong to bully anyone for any reason. if someone doesnt like something then shut up move on or get the hell out of the way but to make someone feel bad because of things that are none of anyone else's business is truly immature and frankly i have no time for ppl like that in my life. And yes, always ALWAYS report any type of bullying no matter what.. dont go at it alone!

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