How to deal with an IMVU Bully - Permanently

Don Von Alpha Dom
by Don Von Alpha Dom · 193 posts
15 years ago in Help & Support
Posted 3 years ago
I didnt know A warning disapears from an account's records after 1 month Don. People trying to h4c|< my account dont get no warnings. IMVU just takes there account not that it matters because there what I call throw away accounts. Just made accounts and people trying to steal your account. I wish IMVU would just block there IP but that wouldnt be fair either because not everyone in the same house hold are asses.
Posted 2 years ago
Personally, I ignore them, report them through live chat or just leave the room. A bully isn't worth your time and their opinion shouldn't matter to you.
Posted 2 years ago
Thanks this is really going to help
Posted 2 years ago
My admired Godfather, interesting to know that. It's good not to feed the beast and help him achieve his goal of hurting you by losing your account.

Could you tell me how to act with a man who harasses me? he is Greeters, VIP, AP, AGE, Host, he has everything that is a badge but he does not attack or insult me ​​with his account, he attacks me by creating new accounts that he deletes in five minutes after behaving like the garbage that he is... I command tickets but imvu does nothing, I have warned them to check the IP but they always respond with the type of message "sorry you have this experience..."

I wish I could blow up the computer with telepathy but I can't.

Any trick you know Godfather? I'll invite you to my daughter's wedding, it's a promise!
Posted 2 years ago · Author

I would have to see the messages. You could use pattern matching to auto-detect and delete messages that follow his speech patterns, before you even have to see them. Include some sort of auto-block feature, and you'd never have to hear from them again.
Posted 2 years ago
@Don Von Alpha Dom

thnx i was about to ask this. i have person to report. its time now.
Posted 2 years ago
thanks so much for this! it's sad that this is still going on even after all these years. :I now i at least know how to deal with em'

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