msn hacking

by Amethyst · 12 posts
15 years ago in Help & Support
Posted 15 years ago · Author
Someone tricked a friend of mine into inviting me to a group chat with them on msn. Is an msn group chat a sufficient connection for looking up a person's ip? Also, this person changed my msn password. Naturally I had previously backed up all of my contacts and simply moved them to an alternate msn account, but a malicious h4c|<7r having my ip is a problem. What should I do? How do I keep them from using it against me? What can they do? This is not an expert I'm dealing with, I doubt he is of college age, but he knows a few things. What is someone like that likely to know how to do to me using my ip?
Posted 15 years ago
Just h4c|< you're msn and get it back, my advice to you is to use an constant invisible proxy all the time :P
But since he ain't an expert and you must have a firewall and an anti-virus I think you will be protected.
Posted 15 years ago
well, you can use a program" ip changer", even if he knew you ip he can not get in ur pc or h4c|< your pc only if there any open port in ur pc.. check you computer ports if there any open port close it. then u can give him your ip by yourself and challenge him if he could h4c|< you pc :D
Posted 14 years ago
wow , I didnt know all that with the msn , but glad i found out...
did i mention im so glad im part of your family hehe
just reading the Forum , i learn a whole lot , gosh i m getting so addicted to this site... :P
Posted 14 years ago
Sup people ;) Im Zafpyr
Posted 14 years ago
Nice : ) (Y)
Posted 14 years ago
@Zafpyr now you're OT.

Use a proxy IP, might help you. Never use MSN.

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