Script to buy/gift products (incl hidden ones)

by IMVUMaster67 · 5 posts
6 years ago in Help & Support
Posted 6 years ago · Author
There used to be a javascript to directly buy or gift imvu products. Does such a thing still exist or work? I was hoping to find a way to get hidden products.

Posted 6 years ago
The javascript code doesn't work for hidden products anymore. They patched it a couple years ago.
Posted 6 years ago · Author
That's what I thought. Just wanted to make sure there wasn't any other work around. Thanks.
Posted 6 years ago

I' used this rundown commonly while hunting down instruments and imagining about the day when I get the opportunity to submit one of my own :)
Posted 6 years ago
What is a Rundown and what do you use it for? And what is it that you want to have the opportunity to submit? As the Post is asking about a Script and your post has no relevance to the question. Please explain more.


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