by Making · 7 posts
6 years ago in Help & Support
Posted 6 years ago · Author
If I where to make a product with a profit around 3-4k and make a bunch of new accounts to buy it from to boost promo credit sales to get the tier points do I have a chance of getting disabled is this against imvu's Tos? Thanks in advanced for your time
Posted 6 years ago
I was part of a group on IMVU called Trini Gang. ALl the Creators were tier 6 and tier 7 and they all had the same crappy products. The products had names that were different. That is the only difference when you compare their shops. I have always wonder how they did it. Then one day suddenly three quarters 3/4 of the group got disabled and I was like " What The F#ck?" Then my friend told me their all were boosting each others products very similar if not exactly to what you are explaining. so Boosting = Disable no doubt. Unless you can pay someone you are not associated with to boost a product for you. I do not support creators that boost tho. I would support a creator that is struggling to make it without cheating.

3 tips to become a top crator:

1) learn to mesh. It is hard but do it anyway
2) Creator things that people have never seen before on imvu
3) wait patiently the sales gonna go up Because Meshers always win
Posted 6 years ago · Author
Sounds good, thanks man!
Posted 6 years ago
If all you care about are tier levels, stay away from developing, we don't need more crappy devs like that.
Posted 6 years ago · Author
Lmao its not for tier's i just wanted to know because i can produce more and better items if i have to pay less for dev fee's
Posted 6 years ago
Promo sales are used to help boost your Tier levels and normally Creators shun against buying things out of their catty with Promos as most receive credits for their sells and turn around and use those to create more. Promo credits do not offer you that oportunity to do so as you can only spend them on yourself. I myself normally let the promos sit there and build up because I hate to use them. As we know most of the Promos come from Nooblets just starting IMVU and going through their little tour to get them promos to buy their first looks. Frankly it is bare minimum but at least it is something.

Yes, your Promo income is counted in as one of the items that helps to determine your Tier level. Which I am sure a lot of creators levels are down. To pad the system as you stated above is well cool to boost your Tiers but it is also BS. IMO a Creator should earn their levels by working for it and gaining it and not by cheating the system. As notated there are a lot that do that and are Pro creators and really have not done a damn thing to earn it, while those that work hard sit below the curve and are not pro.

I look through catty a lot of times to find meshes, as well as to look at others designs. Sometimes I alter the Meshes to become My work other times I simply look for the Mesh to recolor and make mine. Sure takes no rocket scientist to add colors to the meshes or to change the opacities to create your own look. But what I have seen is so many reproductions of the same item over and over. Which really is stupid. Because Honestly if you have not changed the opacity to make it yours and you use their color textures then it's still their work and not your own. All you did was take their product renamed it and made a damn icon pic with your logo mind you some don't even change the Icon) and they claim it as their own. I have seen several and I mean several shops where that is all they have done is taken someones derivable and changed the name and put a new icon on it and placed it back in catty under their name. No work done by them other then making a icon and yet they are a Tier 7, go figure that one out. Then I go and look at the person who made the product they have a lot of items in the catty and yet they are not Pro.

I believe you need to do the work yourself to gain the tiers as that is a goal marker. And if you cheat the system, aka the Tiers Level, then you are cheating a lot of other people who deserve that Tier. My understanding of that is only a certain percentage of people are put in Tiers 5-7. So because some idiot and yes I will say it again some IDIOT decides to cheat the system is sitting at Tier 7 and I am on Tier 3 trying my damnedest to Push for Pro and can't get it because some Idiot fills the spot I want wrongfully.

I also see while in catty some that are so called creators putting pure trash out there and selling it for 3k or more for a hair or something else simple. If you go to look at it all I can say is Wow pure trash. You look at it and wonder wth did they get their textures a bubble gum machine? Clothing and Rooms are really noticeable in this. This takes up space and Buries those that produce great items. Making it where after a few pages of looking through trash really a waste of time to look any further for quality items. Unless you know a great Creator and look specifically at their items then you find nothing and their sells go down.

All in all..If you fluff your Promos you are no better then one of the trashy Creators and are stealing from those that deserve it that do it honestly. My Advice to you is to target the Nooblets and let them know about your products and encourage them to buy your items with their Promos. Or make a run one day and post a thread in Pulse stating Buy items in my Catty with Promos this week and receive a free gift. Think of ways that will legally get you your Promos not cheat the system or cheat another out of earning their Tier Level.

Posted 6 years ago · Author
Esbeth wrote:
Promo sales are used to help boost your Tier levels and normally Creators shun against buying things out of their catty with Promos as most receive credits for their sells and turn around and use those to create more.Promo credits do not offer you that oportunity to do so as you can only spend them on yourself. I myself normally let the promos sit there and build up because I hate to use them. As we know most of the Promos come from Nooblets just starting IMVU and going through their little tour to get them promos to buy their first looks. Frankly it is bare minimum but at least it is something.

Yes, your Promo income is counted in as one of the items that helps to determine your Tier level. Which I am sure a lot of creators levels are down. To pad the system as you stated above is well cool to boost your Tiers but it is also BS. IMO a Creator should earn their levels by working for it and gaining it and not by cheating the system. As notated there are a lot that do that and are Pro creators and really have not done a damn thing to earn it, while those that work hard sit below the curve and are not pro.

I look through catty a lot of times to find meshes, as well as to look at others designs. Sometimes I alter the Meshes to become My work other times I simply look for the Mesh to recolor and make mine. Sure takes no rocket scientist to add colors to the meshes or to change the opacities to create your own look. But what I have seen is so many reproductions of the same item over and over.Which really is stupid. Because Honestly if you have not changed the opacity to make it yours and you use their color textures then it's still their work and not your own. All you did was take their product renamed it andmade a damn icon pic with your logo mind you some don't even change the Icon) and they claim it as their own. I have seen several and I mean several shops where that is all they have done is taken someones derivable and changed the name and put a new icon on it and placed it back in catty under their name. No work done by them other then making a icon and yet they are a Tier 7, go figure that one out. Then I go and look at the person who made the product they have a lot of items in the catty and yet they are not Pro.

I believe you need to do the work yourself to gain the tiers as that is a goal marker. And if you cheat the system, aka the Tiers Level, then you are cheating a lot of other people who deserve that Tier. My understanding of that is only a certain percentage of people are put in Tiers 5-7. So because some idiot and yes I will say it again some IDIOT decides to cheat the system is sitting at Tier 7 and I am on Tier 3 trying my damnedest to Push for Pro and can't get it because some Idiot fills the spot I want wrongfully.

I also see while in catty some that are so called creators putting pure trash out there and selling it for 3k or more for a hair or something else simple. If you go to look at it all I can say is Wow pure trash. You look at it and wonder wth did they get their textures a bubble gum machine? Clothing and Rooms are really noticeable in this. This takes up space and Buries those that produce great items. Making it where after a few pages of looking through trash really a waste of time to look any further for quality items. Unless you know a great Creatorand look specifically at their items then you find nothing and their sells go down.

All in all..If you fluff your Promos you are no better then one of the trashy Creators and are stealing from those that deserve it that do it honestly. My Advice to you is to target the Nooblets and let them know about your products and encourage them to buy your items with their Promos. Or make a run one day and post a thread in Pulse stating Buy items in my Catty with Promos this week and receive a free gift. Think ofways that will legally get you your Promos not cheat the system or cheat another out of earning their Tier Level.ES
I appreciate the time you took out to write this and I've started on making full fits to target Noobs for the promos I wasent trying to sound like a cheater or ass for asking about boosting promo sales I just wanted to hear people's thoughts on it and if it's against tos I agree it's kinda a rude thing to do.

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