@Don Von Alpha Dom
Usually there is 1 person building something from unlogical thing like doing table from chair then making it hidden product (only creator/builder can see) (by the way the price can be lower than first product/chair) then sells with a lot of colour and people have to buy from only that seller or derivation from his last products so that mean profit goes to first one who did 3dmax things or something like that.
my dream about i can do something from chair with very low price woow that could buy me VIP and many things there like King. But while watch 3dmax videos i lost myself there and programmes etc many things made me cold cause have to give full time and have to hire some good teachers about it and work work work...
If people like 10 person like me can be together hire a teacher then i will be in
Like i said, in my opinion there is 1 master doing own products but if u try to search like
@Don Von Alpha Dom
said at least maybe u can find another vercion of that product derivation tree not unlocked/hidden. I will dig if i like something well.
If you have more information please tag me topic, thank you so much..