Replacement needed

by jereby · 4 posts
14 years ago in Help & Support
Posted 14 years ago · Author
Since im not a US citizen, i use proxies alot. Most of these proxies were crap, some were good, but by far the best i've been able to use is HotspotShield. However, for some strange, unknown reason, it has now either been blocked, or temporarily stopped working. So what im going to ask is if any of you have some proxy systems, preferably downloadable, reliable ones, which i can use in its place. The standard, ofcourse, would be HSS. Who knows, maybe someone else is looking for another P-Prog as well, and this might just help them too. Thanks in advance :)
Posted 14 years ago
i still using HotSpotShield and its still working with me, yeah sometimes its says failed to connect to the server then u have to wait a while until it come back, usually i restart the PC and it works after
Posted 13 years ago
Restarting the browser or pc might works.or perhaps the script was blocked.

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