Question. hacking -related

by Missvampire · 5 posts
12 years ago in Help & Support
Posted 12 years ago · Author
Hello guys.
As the title says... I have a question. No, 2 actually. :D

Does the Mafia h4c|< accounts if a certain person keeps picking on you without even knowing what type of person you are? (and many other things, but I'd rather not say anything on here, only through PM or so - and just blocking them won't work, well not for me). Or at least change a password/email/scare them a little? Not necessarily delete them.

And if you do, can I rely on you to do something about them in the near future? Please? I don't want them gone yet because I decided to give them one more chance, but... Just in case it happens again.
Just 2 questions I need an answer to.

Thanks a bunch, you all rock. So proud to have found y'all. <3
Posted 12 years ago
Missvampire wrote:
Does the Mafia h4(k accounts if a certain person keeps picking on you without even knowing what type of person you are? Blocking them for me. Or at least change a password/email/scare them a little? Not necessarily delete them.

No. The mafia is made up of white hat hackers. Hacking is normally reserved for extreme cases in which another h4c|<7r is involved. In the case of bullying, we will normally tell you to block the person and report the chats. Having friends with you who can report also will help. In case you do not have friends who are willing to help, we will provide those. If the bullying continues, then you can file a harassment help ticket with IMVU staff and they may help you with someone using multiple accounts. We have some experimental programs that may help you block someone who is using multiple accounts. If it still continues, we might go as far as sending in an intel team who monitor the situation and if things seem bad enough will use minor data mining/scanning techniques to as you say scare them a little, normally by tracking down their family members and contacting them...etc

Go ahead and PM me their IMVU account names / any details you wish to send me.
Posted 12 years ago · Author
I see. Got it now, helped me get some things cleared up. Thank you, Don.

By the way, can I please do that in the next few days or so? As I said before, I will need the Mafia's help if he still continues harassing/threatening me and my friends. He's cool for now but what he had done is unforgivable to me so I want him to be taught a lesson. Just... Not now.

Is that fine with you? :?
Posted 12 years ago · Author
Alright. I'll be sending you a PM in the next few days probably, Don. Thank you~


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