If I were you, I'd just wait it out, better not to poke the Bear[IMVU] with a Stick as they say, as their liable to look into you more closely and if they're fed up with you, we all know their tendencies to just ban you for longer.
Although that's just my opinion, it's only a Month, I once got banned for 2 years, and a half, I made a new account and left that one alone, when the 700+ days were up, I got it back cause IMVU didn't want to help me with getting it back sooner, even though I did all they asked of me to submit to them etc etc for why I was banned.
I say, work on your devving, hang out on a new account with your friends, and when your back to your account, you'll have lots of stuff to submit.
But, there is a thread with getting your account back if your disabled or perma-banned, but if it's just a month I say don't poke the Bear.
I'll see if I can find the thread and link you to it here.
If I can't find it maybe DM or Don Von will.