iFrame Layouts?

by Pikachu · 21 posts
15 years ago in IMVU Homepage Codes
Posted 15 years ago · Author
anyone know someone who can make Iframe layouts free or a generator that works?
if it's an avatar please PM me the name, DO NOT post it in the forums.
Posted 15 years ago · Author
that doesn't help it only makes the panels for things like DIV layouts, i've made a layout but all of the tuts i can find don't tell you how to make it interactive with different pages in a frame. that is what i need now
Posted 14 years ago
well i gotta look deeper into it before ill ever understand it
Posted 14 years ago
Theres some layout generators that ive used here http://gaf210.imvustylez.net/gaf210codes.php?f=/divlayoutgen/eng-layoutmenu.html Theres some good ones that you can play around with, delete what you dont want, add what you do, change sizing, things like that. If you want help with it, I could help you. Im not expert at it yet, but I know the basics. Just send me a Pm if you have any questions.
Posted 14 years ago · Author
i know ho to make the boxes, ijust wnt to know how to make the inner liks so like you click about and then panel changes from the first frame, to the about me frame. i have read multiple tutorials, but it very confusing. i even made a layout, it just needs to be coded....
Posted 14 years ago
I dont really get what you mean... But Ill start rambling on anyways :P With the coding you can choose two ways to do it. You can either use the imvu panels, or you can make your own (Which I defiantly recommend) Either way you need a website to host them on. I suggest [url]webs.com[/url] Its very simple to use.

Is this what you mean? If it is, Ill start rambling on more about it.

Sorry, I really suck at explaining things.
Posted 14 years ago · Author
its fine. lol

okay so i m DIVs, which are custom panels with <div> </div> tags that make custom boxes.

Iframe are still custom panels, but they have like buttons that you can make that have like home and about me and support that is essantually just the like instead of having about me, who you support and everything in different panels, you have it one an can click which one you want to see. like on websites when you can go to different pages. understand?
Posted 14 years ago · Author
*i make
Posted 14 years ago
need this

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