Posted 16 years ago
<style> #Panel Name .paneltitletext {visibility:hidden !important;} </style>
Replace 'Panel Name' with one of these:
About Me Panel = aboutme_panel
Street Team Panel = streetteam_panel
Outfits Panel = outfits_panel
Contact Me Panel = contact_panel
Collectables Panel = collect_panel
Groups Panel = groups_panel
Music Panel = music_panel
Room Panel = room_panel
Special Someone Panel: special_panel
Messages panel = messages_panel
Wish List Panel = wishlist_panel
Ranking Panel = rankings_panel
Buddies Panel = friends_panel
Visitors Panel = visitors_panel
Cool New People Panel = cool_panel
Gallery Penel = gallery_panel
Interest Panel = tagcloud_panel
New Products Panel = dev_panel
Blogs Panel = blog_panel
RSS Panel = rss_panel
Stickers Panel = stickers_panel
Contact Panel = contact_panel
URL Panel = url_panel
#music_panel .paneltitletext
{visibility:hidden !important;}