what vpn do you use?

by Caleidanna · 10 posts
1 year ago in Trackers

best vpn to use?

nordvpn 50%
expressvpn No votes
surfshark No votes
private internet access No votes
hide me No votes
ipvanish No votes
cyberghost No votes
tor guard No votes
protonvpn 50%
atlasvpn No votes
a free one(provide name) No votes
other(provide name) No votes
Posted 1 year ago · Author

im lookin' to buy a vpn subscription to be more secured while online bc protectin' your ip address and privacy is very important but so is goin' with the best one. the better deals i see have you locked in for a few years which makes sense but i wanna choose one thatll be worth a longtime commitment.

this is a question i know many have so all suggestions and reviews would be very much appreciated!
and if you would never pay for a vpn or you only use the free ones share why

oh and vpns arent against imvu tos but they suggest you avoid it and they say its not advisable to use one as it may result to security and access related issues so if you got tips on how to not have those problems im all ears bc imma still use a vpn.

Posted 1 year ago
@Don Von Alpha Dom


Just you both are aware, using a VPN doesn't really make you any safer online. So if you're using it to protect your privacy, you're basically just wasting money. It's been proven that most VPNs at best lie about not keeping logs and simply sell or give our your info at request and at worst, are either government controlled or give government uncontrolled access. There's a reason VPNs are so heavily advertised and it's not because they care about your privacy. Especially NordVPN, it's one of the worst offenders.

Using a VPN for anything more than bypassing regional blocks to watch NetFlix or whatever is a bad idea.

Do some research on the subject if you don't believe me and double check your sources, most of those VPN top lists are actually paid for or run by the VPN companies in some fashion.
Posted 1 year ago · Author


DataMine wrote:
using a VPN doesn't really make you any safer online.

what are the other ways you can actually be safe online?

It's been proven that most VPNs at best lie about not keeping logs and simply sell or give our your info at request and at worst, are either government controlled or give government uncontrolled access.

yea i hear this alot thats why i wanted to ask the question here to know from those with more knowledge like yourself bc one of the main goals of vpn services is to make a profit at the end of the day even at the risk of their customers

Using a VPN for anything more than bypassing regional blocks to watch NetFlix or whatever is a bad idea.

why is it a bad idea?

Posted 1 year ago

Caleidanna wrote:
what are the other ways you can actually be safe online?

It all depends on what you're doing and how much you're willing to inconvenience yourself. There's no such thing as being truly safe online, but you can take measures to protect yourself.

For general purpose internet browsing, I recommend the following:

  1. Using a proper adblocker (not one that lies about what it does or gets paid off by companies) such as Ublock Origin (FireFox), Ublock Origin (Chrome). For a network wide adblocker, I'd suggest setting up pi-hole on a raspberrypi. You should still use a browser adblocker though.
  2. Using a script blocker NoScript (FireFox), NoScript (Chrome).
  3. Monitoring and managing what cookies are being stored on your device.
  4. Minimizing "paper" trails by using one or more of the following when registering for websites/services or posting content.
    1. Fake information (randomly generated).
    2. Throw away services like temporary emails, etc.
    3. Using unique information per domains/services (email, password, username, etc..) so no 2 accounts can be linked together
    4. Separating your data across domains/services. This could be as simple as not linking your YouTube/Twitch/whatever to your Discord or vice versa or adding your alt account as a friend to your main account.
  5. Not using IoT (internet of things) devices such as Fridges, thermostats, Amazon Echo & Alexa
  6. Securing your wifi network and using lan where possible
  7. Securing any devices connected to your network (or better yet not connecting them in the first place if not necessary or in use)
  8. Not storing your data in the cloud (the cloud is literally just data center somewhere which is the same as putting your data on someone elses computer). Cimpanies like Apple actively scan files you upload to the cloud under the guise of "safety" but will happy ban you or report you to authorities if they find something they don't like.
  9. Wiping your devices/hardware before giving it to someone. There's been a few cases where Apple employees have stolen nudes off peoples devices when brought in for repair

Also, assuming you're using Windows, There's also a lot of forensics countermeasures you'd want to employ. I won't go into detail here as that could be it's own topic but I have touched on the subject previously here: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=7372.

This isn't an exhaustive list or guide and for more specific online activity or other environments you may have to take more precautions.

As you can tell, this is something I have a strong interest in and believe strongly in. I could go on and on but this post is already long enough.

Caleidanna wrote:
why is it a bad idea?

For the reasons I listed above. It gives you a false sense of security which makes it more likely that you will do something you shouldn't.
Posted 1 year ago · Author


first off, thx a TON for all the recommendations and info! i know for sure im not the only who finds this all very helpful

im def on the internet for general purposes but wanna move like im on mr.robot bc its more fun and i love knowin' more about almost anythin' tech related. since joinin' here, i picked up so much info and do a good majority of what you listed and always look forward to learnin' more.

DataMine wrote:
Also, assuming you're using Windows, There's also a lot of forensics countermeasures you'd want to employ. I won't go into detail here as that could be it's own topic but I have touched on the subject previously here: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=7372.

i read and bookmarked the windows locations topic and would very much appreciate a topic on other or more countermeasures to employ

As you can tell, this is something I have a strong interest in and believe strongly in. I could go on and on but this post is already long enough.

another reason this place is such a gem as i think most if not all the mafia has a strong interest in cyber safety and helpin' the collective :) and when it comes to listin' out very useful info, no post is too long to me so if you or anyone else would like to add on i would be in much favor of that

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