Site News, PRB Updates & General Updates

by DataMine · 11 posts
9 years ago in Mafia News
Posted 9 years ago · Author
Hey everyone, just wanted to let you all know what's going on around here and keep you all informed of future plans, problems and anything else our community needs to know.

Site News

    Social Systems
    I'm sure most of you are aware we had some issues with our social systems and had to take them offline for a couple days. I'm happy to inform you that they are now back online thanks to Don Von's tireless efforts. You can now use the mainpage again and recent topics are once again displayed on the index page

    Optimizations and fixes
    One benefit of the issues mentioned above with the social system is it motivated us to work on improving loading times across the forums. As a result, you should hopefully see slightly faster page loading when viewing the index page, sub forums and topics.

    The market bug that allowed zero post members to post credit ads has been fixed. Hopefully we will see less scamming going on now that you have to post in the forums to sell credits. Of course someone could create a spam post or whatever to bypass this but I know when new topics are created so I will be notified of anyone trying to abuse it.

    PRB Updates
    The PRBs are still under construction,
    @Don Von Free Credits
    is currently taking care of real life right now so they have had to be put on the back burner for a little bit. But don't fear, they are still a priority and great progress has been made on them. For more PRB information, visit this thread: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=10603

    Portal System
    I think we can all agree that our current portal system needs a lot of work. In case you don't know what I'm talking about, our site here has some pages that aren't part of the normal of the site (Example: Downloads Page). These pages are meant to be entry points to other places on the site and/or provide specific information/content.

    I redesigned the portal system a couple years ago to try and improve them in both a functionality and aesthetic terms. I feel like I accomplished that however times have changed and I think I can do much butter. To that end, I have been working on a new portal system for the last few months (I know, terribly slow :(). It's been going slow, I've had to learn a lot about php and design the content delivery system and web pages.

    There is still a lot left to do but some of the pages are in a usable state. Here are some previews:

      Social page
      This page will (as the name implies) host our social content. You will find things like chat rooms, links to social places on our site as well as links to other websites where our members are active, such as Facebook, tumblr and deviantart and information about contests and events.

      Link: ... social.php

      Services page
      This page will replace the downloads and tools page. It will host all of my software (imvu tools, games etc..) that I create, all of my artwork and all of the web tools created by myself and other community members. It is meant to not only provide access to this content but give information about it as well, such as tool status and update news

      Warning: The category selection does not work at this moment. I am currently trying to improve the code that handles switching categories to make it more robust and expandable.

      Link: ... rvices.php

      Partners page
      This page will display information on our partners. This could include links to websites we think you would like to visit, have some sort of connection with or that our members have created. This page is still in the theory stage and as such has not be created yet. You can find the link to it from the other pages but it does not have any content just yet.

      Market page
      This page is also in the theory stage so little is known about it yet other than that it will contain links to the market. I have not yet decided what else (if anything) it will display.

      Resources page
      This page is new to our portal system. It is mostly a personal page that I've wanted to create but I believe it will be of great benefit to our community. My plan for this page is to post resources (obviously, lol). This includes a wide variety of things such as tutorials (both imvu and non imvu), links to things I find interesting or want to share and basically anything I think is cool or useful.

      Currently, this page is in the design phase while I figure out how I want to store and display the content this page will provide.

    Future Plans
    Don and I have been talking a lot about things we want to do, want to change and what direction we to take the site in.

    Short Term:
      -Clean up the forums by creating a graveyard system where outdated threads can go to rest in peace and give more relevant topics the spot light. The graveyard system wont delete the topics so you can still view them for whatever reason but it will help clear out the clutter, especially from the free credits section which is currently full of dead credit earning methods

      -Create a top downloads page where you can see the most popular items people are downloading. Currently, the most popular download is my Trigger List Maker with a total of 1123 downloads! :)

      -Re activate the weekly news letter
      -Allow users to add content to our calendar system (calendar.php)
      -Misc code fixes and updated behind the scenes
      -Get prbs up and running
      -Finish portal system update

    Long Term:
      -Buy a new server
      -Rebuild the website from scratch and bring it up-to-date and add new systems for our members to enjoy

Personal Updates

I've been spending most of my time working on the portal pages and writing code. I've been doing a lot of research into better designs for both the front end and back end of my programs so they are more appealing and easier to pump out.

Some of you have been wondering why I am not around that much. Well, I'm always here monitoring my inbox, the shoutbox and notifications from our server (when awake) but I've been trying to cope with my mental issues that have been slowing me down and distracting me when it comes to producing content for you guys and putting the time in to get systems updated. But don't fear, I'm trying to push myself to focus more and get things done here, I d care about our community more than anything else

Don Von is currently settling into his new home but he's still around keeping on top of his inbox. The rest is for him to tell you if he so chooses.

Other News
I am giving the "Best Moderator Award" to
! Admittedly she's our only mod but she's been doing a damn fine job helping out in the shoutbox and keeping the forums clean from spam by banning on average 2 or 3 spam accounts per week. So thank you axiom for your dedication and hard work!

I want to congratulate
for being our most trusted credit seller keeping our credit section on the market alive with content. :moneyrotate: :coin:

And last but not least, I want to thank
for being one of our most active members and being a friend.
Last edited by DataMine on Sat Aug 29, 2015 6:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Fixed Typos
Posted 9 years ago
hey D.M., if you, Don Von, or anyone else needs help with the updates im willing to lend a hand or two just hit me up and tell me what i can do.
Posted 9 years ago · Author
blackdragonknight wrote:
hey D.M., if you, Don Von, or anyone else needs help with the updates im willing to lend a hand or two just hit me up and tell me what i can do.

Thank you for the offer. I am looking for assistance on front end development ideas with my programs and the portal system. I am terrible when it comes to figuring out what controls I need or what I want pages to look like.
Posted 9 years ago
@DM; With all Honesty. i appreciate your friendship & i enjoy the forums. i dont really look for new friends often. but when i came here to the forums and met u and the rest of the team. iknew i would keep coming back. i have tons on tons of respect for imvumafias. i wish TIM mafia will rise again. and stand strong. and become active again here first & and imvu second. im willing to take part in the rise if it happens. i also have plans for imvumafias myself. on how i can contribute more. coming soon ;). lately ive been learning programming in python, html,css,js. those are my focused now. im always thinking of useful stuff to create related to imvu. when i do i will share it with u all. although i have left creating from imvu a while agooo (4 yrs). imvu mafias is a part of why i have came back to imvu. for other reasons, aside from creating.

As for the news & updates. thnx for keeping us posted. iknew you and or Don V. would get the issue resovled. just needed time. Im looking forward to those future plans there. graveyard for old post sounds grand!. Also im excited about that Inner Family Tag (200 post). if u did'nt notice. lmfao. :)
Posted 9 years ago · Author
Bulldog wrote:
@DM;With all Honesty. i appreciateyour friendship & i enjoy the forums. i dont really lookfor new friends often. but when i came here to the forums and met u and the rest of the team. iknewi would keep coming back. i have tons on tons of respect for imvumafias. i wish TIM mafia will rise again. and stand strong. and become active againhere first & and imvu second. im willing to take part in the rise if it happens. i also have plans for imvumafias myself. on how i can contribute more. coming soon ;). lately ive been learning programming in python, html,css,js.those are my focused now. im always thinking of useful stuff to create related to imvu. when i do i will share it with u all. although i have left creating from imvu a while agooo (4 yrs). imvu mafias is a part of why i have came back to imvu. for other reasons, aside from creating.As forthenews & updates. thnx for keeping us posted. iknew you and or Don V. would get the issue resovled. just needed time. Im looking forward to those future plans there. graveyard for old post sounds grand!.Also im excited about that Inner Family Tag (200 post). if u did'nt notice. lmfao. :)

I'm glad to hear all that. I look forward to seeing what ever it is you're making.
Posted 9 years ago
D.M wrote:
Bulldog wrote:@DM;With all Honesty. i appreciateyour friendship & i enjoy the forums. i dont really lookfor new friends often. but when i came here to the forums and met u and the rest of the team. iknewi would keep coming back. i have tons on tons of respect for imvumafias. i wish TIM mafia will rise again. and stand strong. and become active againhere first & and imvu second. im willing to take part in the rise if it happens. i also have plans for imvumafias myself. on how i can contribute more. coming soon . lately ive been learning programming in python, html,css,js.those are my focused now. im always thinking of useful stuff to create related to imvu. when i do i will share it with u all. although i have left creating from imvu a while agooo (4 yrs). imvu mafias is a part of why i have came back to imvu. for other reasons, aside from creating.As forthenews & updates. thnx for keeping us posted. iknew you and or Don V. would get the issue resovled. just needed time. Im looking forward to those future plans there. graveyard for old post sounds grand!.Also im excited about that Inner Family Tag (200 post). if u did'nt notice. lmfao. I'm glad to hear all that. I look forward to seeing what ever it is you're making.

Here is something in python i made the other day. its simple. but it has given me ideas. on some other things to make.
Posted 9 years ago · Author
Bulldog wrote:
D.M wrote:Bulldog wrote:@DM;With all Honesty. i appreciateyour friendship & i enjoy the forums. i dont really lookfor new friends often. but when i came here to the forums and met u and the rest of the team. iknewi would keep coming back. i have tons on tons of respect for imvumafias. i wish TIM mafia will rise again. and stand strong. and become active againhere first & and imvu second. im willing to take part in the rise if it happens. i also have plans for imvumafias myself. on how i can contribute more. coming soon . lately ive been learning programming in python, html,css,js.those are my focused now. im always thinking of useful stuff to create related to imvu. when i do i will share it with u all. although i have left creating from imvu a while agooo (4 yrs). imvu mafias is a part of why i have came back to imvu. for other reasons, aside from creating.As forthenews & updates. thnx for keeping us posted. iknew you and or Don V. would get the issue resovled. just needed time. Im looking forward to those future plans there. graveyard for old post sounds grand!.Also im excited about that Inner Family Tag (200 post). if u did'nt notice. lmfao. I'm glad to hear all that. I look forward to seeing what ever it is you're making.Here is something in python i made the other day. its simple. but it has given me ideas. on some other things to make.viewtopic.php?f=112&t=10698

I'll take a look.
Posted 9 years ago
I think graveyard for old posts sounds so great! I'm available to help out as always. Special thanks to you DM for your hard work, and thanks for your kind words about me. I am proud to be in the staff.
Posted 9 years ago
Thank you all for your continued and tireless improvements. If ive not said this before you all are great and fantastic. Know i appreciate all you guys and what you do behind the scenes to make mine & visitors experience here glitch-free, educational, easy & AD-FREE.
Posted 9 years ago · Author
More works is being done on the portal pages today. I'm currently re writing a lot of back end code to better structure the systems and make them cleaner.

I will also try building the web tools system.

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